Sunrise, Sunset *edit*

Wow. Gorgeous sunset tonite. I enjoyed it as I walked home from dinner after the Allies meeting. It was actually a productive meeting for a change. Got people signed up for panels, and for the transgender awareness table in the library. Woo.

Today was….eh. Went over the exams in Process this morning. *sigh* I can’t believe I fucked up so terribly. But. There’s still hope. The next exam is on OB stuff, and Joyce is the only instructor meaning NO CINDY, meaning no vague stupid ass questions. Plus, judging by the outline, much of what we’re going to learn is stuff I’ve learned in developmental psych or child psych. Well, mabye not much of it. But, I already have the foundation. Plus, it’s INTERESTING. Unlike the last stuff. I tried, but I just couldn’t get excited about the GI system. I mean. Ulcers and bowel obstructions and cirrhosis? Eh. Not so much. But. Babies! Babies I like. Plus, Joyce is one of those instructors that, if you listen, gives you most of the exam questions in class. So. If I do exceptionally well on the next two exams, I have some leeway for the Cumulative Final, which Cindy said wasn’t as in depth as the last exam. So. So. lah. I’m still going to be anxious and nervous about it for a while.

But we didn’t have Pharm today, so I went over and signed up for a time to discuss scheduling with Ang. They’re absolutely not going to have an evening clinical in the Fall, which means I can’t take any of the psych courses that I was considering taking, which means I don’t know how the hell I’m going to get 12 credits in, since there are only 2 nursing classes- both are 4 credits, so I need at least 2 more courses. There’s a possibility I can take some web courses, but they might have pre-reqs. Argh. How discouraging.

Talked to my friend today. She’s pretty sure she’s preggo. And she’s keeping it. I told her how I felt, but also that I will support her, regardless of her decision. She told me that, other than her boyfriend, I’m the only one she’s told. Because she knows and likes that I will be blunt with her and not pretend to agree even if I didn’t. Which is funny because…although she’s 100% correct- I am blunt with her, and I can’t pretend–she’s also one of the few people I’m like that with. Everyone else I’m just not…outspoken to, I just go along with the flow, ya know? If I don’t agree, I just don’t offer my opinion instead of like with her, I do. It’s kind of weird. But kinda good. And because she knows I won’t go gossiping it around. (Which, I don’t and won’t. Everything I write in here…it doesn’t count, because no one knows who I’m talking about and pretty much nobody knows her anyways.) And I’ve talked to Buss about it, but she’s not a student so none of my friends know her either. So.

So. It was good to talk to her. And, like I said, even if her decision doesn’t seem like the right one to me, I’m glad that we’ve talked about it and that we know how each other feel about it.

And I spent some time in the psych dept today after my poetry class. I studied for a bit in the random room upstairs and then J came over and I went and talked to her for a little bit, and then studied some more in her office while she went to a meeting. And then I went back to the random room and read a book (Yeah! NOT a text book!!! Do I feel guilty? Kinda. Does it feel really good to just read a REGULAR book? very much so. I miss reading. I have SO many books piled up, waiting for me to finish nursing school…le’sigh) until I saw Doc P come up, which meant it was nearly time for the Allies meeting.

As I said, the meeting was productive (Why do I always start at the end and then go back to the beginning? lol…) And Doc P, as usual, cracked me up. Doc E, as usual, freaked me out. And, as usual, I turned beet red at least once from not-exactly-clean comments that were being made. *rolls eyes* My friends don’t go very far in debunking the stereotype that all gay people do is think about sex. *rolls eyes again*

On my way out, J gave me a wonderful strong hug and I felt much better. From that, and from laughing during the meeting, and from talking to my friend and clearing the air. lah lah lah.

And! Hopefully I’ll get to see Homie next week some time. She’s horribly busy and exhausted with her new job and, probably, her new boyfriend whom I HATEDESPISEDETESTandREALLYDON’TLIKE. But she doesn’t mention him. hehe. But, now she’s done with her first week of work and she’s getting into the swing of it. So hopefully we’ll get to do coffee and catch up. T’would be nice.

And I had told M I’d babysit for the kids from 10am until 10pm on Saturday, but apparently now she doesn’t need me? Not sure. Need to talk to her.

Ugh. I need to type up and send out the minutes for the meeting and then….lay down for a bit before work. Or maybe shower, since I woke this morning and decided (since I didn’t get to sleep til 2 or 3am) that I’d catch an extra 45 minutes of rest instead of showering.

Cleanliness isn’t next to godliness. Sanity is. pltzzz.

AND!!!!! Hopefully the literary arts journal will be done by the 8th of April!! I’m going to go look at a proof on Wednesday. *BOUNCYEXCITED* And. I think I’m officially titled as the assistant editor! That would be awesome. It would be perfectly fine if I’m not, but really kind of neat if I was.

Ok. Time to do….stuff.

!!! And, out of the 9 pieces that my poetry prof handed back, I got SIX check plusses!!!

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March 31, 2005

Assistant editor? AND six check plusses?? Cool! 🙂