stuff! nyc-bound. what do you want me to pic?

Leave me a comment telling me 3-5 things you’d like me to take a photo of. It can be a person in my family, a person doing something specific, an animal, furniture, my computer, making dinner, fave place to be, view from a certain place, ANYTHING. You can be creative!!

Then I will post the photos and explanations in my journal for you to see.

REPOST this and get other people to ask you to take photos, too!

Dunno why I have’t been writing- life has been relatively good (I’m hesitant to say great) lately. I’ve read like, 5 books in the last month. Tobeco is done!!!!

(the cover is a pic Em took of her now-deceased fish, Samson. Long live Samson!) I showed one of the pieces I had published to Donna at work. She couldn’t get over it and kept saying how impressed she was. *blush* I’m pretty proud of it tho. 🙂

AJ and I are heading to NYC to see G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG can I say how EXCITED I am about that???? Except for the expenses. ($100 to rent a car, UGH. And what with gas being 3 bucks a gallon. Oh well.) And the fact that I haven’t yet found a place to stay, eeeeek. Need to find some excessively CHEAP hotel (as in, roaches on the pillow instead of mints….) AJ and I already discussed it. We can sleep back to back. She can sleep the first shift and I’ll sleep the second, lol.

I know, I know. I CANNOT afford this. But fuck it. I’m so far in debt it’s not even funny. I haven’t done anything impulsive FUN in like, forever. Well. That’s not true. I’ve done some fun things. But nothing adventurous. Not to mention, I think AJ and I need this. Just. Cuz. I’m going to visit this weekend, I think (either me there or her here), but we haven’t seen each other in like a MONTH and that’s TOO long. And I think we will have a blast. I’m really looking forward to this. yay!

I’ve been riding my bike a lot this week. Mostly to the elementary school to help out with Godspell which was TOO CUTE! I realized, as I was there, watching all the kiddos, how MUCH I miss working with kids. Like, seriously.

(RB singing with the lead at the afterparty. That kid is gonna be a heartbreaker. Oh wait, he already is…..!)

RB having a serious talk. 🙂

DB posing. Unfortunately I caught her doing the “i have braces and have to suck my front teeth to make sure there’s nothing caught in them” thing (trust me, anyone with braces knows. Actually, come to think of it. Maybe it’s a family thing, cuz her mum does it too tho she doesn’t have braces, lol!) She’s still the cutest kid evaaaarh!

And I’ve noticed how irritated I am with my current job. I don’t hate it, like I had been. I’m not miserable there. But, I want to work more WITH patients or people. Yet I know I wouldn’t be able to work on the floors during the day, I’d go insane. *sigh* I haven’t heard back from any of the jobs I’ve applied for, which makes me sad. But oh well. I’ll just make do with what I’ve got, I guess.

The Psych picnic for the Uni psych dept is this Thursday. I want to go, tho I don’t know if I will. Maybe I’ll see if Beeker’s going. I miss all those peeps. Well, profs mostly, lol. Oh well. Maybe I can just walk on over and check it out and leave quick. Maybe Dr F will be there. Haven’t seen or talked to her in quite a while.

So. I work…15 days (nites) this month. Am going to AJ’s this weekend. To my sister’s a few days next week. New York that weekend. Oi vey!

I need to shower, I’m feeling grubby. eep.

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May 2, 2006

Waving helloooooo from NYC. With hugs.

Yay!! re: the NYC trip. Yes, you have to go. Laughing at your sleeping in shifts thing… too funny. 🙂

1) A self portrait with a NYC landmark visible behind you. 2) A dog that doesn’t belong to you, or anyone you know, but one you see while out and about. 3) Something that makes you laugh. RYN: No reason to duck. That’s the funniest note anyone’s left me in a long time.

May 2, 2006

thre things that make you smile

(1)your sock collection and (2)the funniest/strangest signage you’ve ever come across in your town ~bc