Spirited Away

Therapy today. I cried thru much of it. But talked too, so that’s good. J called me a fucking asshole. *grin* taken out of context i must seem so strange….

We started out with some breathing, which we’ve done in the past but this time was different and pretty kewl. We sat back to back, so I could feel her breathe a bit. And I was able to close my eyes and concentrate on it. So that was good.

Otherwise, I’m basically failing at life. But I’m not gonna think about that right now cuz I’m kind of calm and warm and ok-ish for a moment. Post-therapy-buzz? But if I think about it for more than a few seconds, tears well up and my chest tightens. So I won’t. And I won’t list all the things I SHOULD be doing.

I will just accept that right now, I’m gonna sit on the couch, play on the computer, watch Kleio skitter around looking for crickets, listen to Pandora wheeze, and smile at the cows on my socks.

Went to NYC this weekend, will have pictures maybe, except my camera is fucked. So. Maybe I’ll work on seeing if I can fix that….

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I LOVE you. And you should totally come to my graduation. I’m not much for big parties but I do think one will be thrown for such an occasion. 🙂 Come, come, come!! 🙂

So are you a fucking asshole or what? Don’t answer, I know you’re not. I feel like I’m failing at life too. I think we probably all fail at some aspect of it. =o/