
So. Yeah. I definately ended up being unable to do any sort of constructive therapy today and instead zonked out on the mini-couch under J’s fuzzypeptopink blanket. heh. And I was definately really disoriented when she woke me up. I didn’t have my glasses on and I couldn’t figure out where in the hell I was, and even when she spoke, I figured out who she was and mostly where I was, but was really confused as to why I was sleeping on the couch. lol. I think I was probably mostly confused cuz I’m simply not used to sleeping so hard as of late. And I dunno if I did so cuz I was (am. Always am…) exhausted and it was a rainy sleepy sort of day and I had just come from meditating and relaxation skills, or if I was just able to zonk out cuz I knew I didn’t have to be anywhere, wouldn’t be late for anything, didn’t have to worry about oversleeping. Or maybe it’s just cuz my brain is fried, J’s office is warm and comfortable, she is safe and calming, and soft music pluse fishtank noise plus soft clacking of keyboard keys is simply hypnotic and lulling to me.


Whatever the case may be. I felt alot better. And waking up to something other than an alarm clock yet not being late for anything, was actually rather pleasant. Even if it did take me a few seconds to figure out what the hell was going on. hehe.

lah. I hope my clinical patient isn’t dead when I get there tomorrow. He didn’t seem like he was doing too well at the end of clinical. And his wife (sister?) seemed to be convinced that he was on his way out of this world. And, he was really out of it when I got there this morning. But he was more oriented by the time I left. Sort of. lah.

hehe. DB called me tonite and asked if I could send her pictures of my snake for a report she’s doing in school. I felt so big-sisterlike. 🙂 Nice to be useful.

I have a headache. Gonna call AJ and then go to bed.

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Glad you felt a lot better. Hugs, j

November 30, 2005
November 30, 2005

I have a headache too….

ryn: maybe… because I kind of quit trying to differentiate between them all myself?? *g* (that was a mix of dreaming and desire btw) 🙂