Some Things *edit*

First, totally randomly– So, I’m sitting here on my bed in a tshirt and shorts. One leg is curled inwards, the other straight out to the side. It’s been….quite some time…since I shaved. The hair is pretty much past stubbly. That’s not the “interesting” part. The “interesting” part is, I just noticed that it’s….not evenly spread about. It’s patchy. Sorry if talk of body hair disgusts anyone actually I’m not really! But it’s not gross to look at, perse. It’s not thick or anything. Just odd. No monkey girl here.

But it sort of leads me to one of the Some Things. Cuz I thought “Oh, I should shave” and then I thought…no, I don’t really care about shaving. So I guess one of the deciding factors will be if AJ is still speaking to me, which I don’t know if she is. No idea the status of our relationship right now. On hold, maybe? Dunno. And, admittedly, this is my fault. Cuz when I dropped out of existence lately, it wasn’t a random or sporadic thing. It was pretty all-encompassing, including AJ and M and J. Unless they caught me on AIM or myspace or whatnot, I’ve been pretty much out of contact with….everyone. I suck when it comes to people, I realize.

Anyways. Other things:

I ran in to J at MC today. We…talked…sort of. I talked, sort of, and she said “okaaaay” a lot. *rolls eyes* I don’t really feel like writing about it right now. But, we at least sort of straightened something out. Sorta. heh.

Then went over to the FH and talked to Elisabeth. WoOt!!!! I have a new place to live, rent free and free utilities. I asked her what the verdict was and she said “when can you start moving in?” OMG, I’m SOOOOO excited about this. It’s no doubt the cause of my jubilant mood right now. The thought of saving 300 dollars a MONTH (PLUS whatever else I spent on utilities) is just exquisite. Not to mention, it’s my favourite street in town, all lined with big old trees and a bunch of old houses. I mean, we’re talking turrets and round rooms and sprawling porches. Not, of course, on the garage where I’ll be living. No, that building is square, squat, and peeling paint. But I DON’T CARE!!! Free fucking RENT! Maybe I’ll be able to PAY MY BILLS on time! And save up enough money to actually MOVE, if AJ and I can work things out, in the near future. I mean, even just living in this place for a summer…that’s over $1,000 right there. Which may not sound like much, but it seriously, seriously is. I’ll be able to afford groceries. And cat food. And tampons. And a new pillow!!!!!!!!

Other things…..

Went to yoga today. It seemed to go extra quick for some reason. And after that, I went to the Y and worked out for almost an hour. My cheeks were all rosy red when I was done! hehehe. And then I came home.

And I’m hyper. Maybe from working out, but probably more so from the prospect of the possibility of being back on track, financially, sometime in sight! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! So furking excited about that. I am going to go to Jen’s on Friday after school and make a Game Plan– there’s a whole lotta shit that needs to be moved out before I can move in. So we’re gonna go over and see what’s the what, and go from there.

NO idea, right now of when I’ll be able to move out of my current place. Like, if it’ll be by June…tho I think so. Since it’s only the 10th right now. omgomgomgomgomg! 🙂

Hmmm…any Other Stuff?? Can’t think of any. I *should* go scrapbook, but instead I’m gonna veg out and play The Sims for a while. I’m gonna try doing it with free will on, since I never have before (lol, I’m too controlling. I couldn’t stand when they’d try to go off and do what they wanted!) But now that I know how to actually PLAY the game, I think I might be ok, and might even have extra added fun, if I let them do some stuff on their own. Yay :)))))))))))))))


Also, I made a thingie for my mp3 player, so I can wear it while I wooooork out. I made it out of a pouch I’ve had for years, made of this see thru shiny stuff (so I can still see what’s playing/use the controls without taking it out) and some strips of velcro I had laying about. And bits of old flannel pj’s that I couldn’t bear to throw out (used that to cover the back of the one velcro strip, cuz it’s self adhesive, and I’d really rather it NOT stick to my skin and/or clothes as I tried to improve my cardio. hehe.

It looks ‘ghetto’ but I’m ok with that 🙂 Plus it was free. hehe. Yay for creative recyclinnnnnnnnng!

Also, G figured out how to package up her sims and such and she sent me some! But I can’t send her mine, cuz she doesn’t have Pets 🙁

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Yea on the new digs! Free is good! ** giggle **

May 9, 2007


Oops, forget to sign my note! The congrats on the new digs, free is good post was from me! =)