softest rust ****edit****

things in my head right now:
soft rust, weird weave, flowing, safe and comfortable.
wanting to close my eyes and just think about nothing but the cool warmth and gentleness with which lotion was being smoothed onto my hands. but having to deal with other things.
cuddling up next to RB, snug under his heated blanket, tickling his back. he reached back and grabbed my hand and i was like “huh?” and his reply: “nothing, your fingernails just felt so soft!” heh. his contented sighs and the slurp of his thumb losing suction and falling out of his mouth as he drifted into sleep.
DB, looking older every time I see her, smiling at me as she shows me the trick she taught to her hamster.


done before, but still funny to me.

i can empathize.

my mind caught on film. :p

So. I just finished watching Rent and most of the special features. I hafta say, I like the alternate ending much more! And I wish they had kept in some of the deleted scenes if only because…I dunno…I know the show, and have heard it a million times. But for people who’ve never seen it/heard it, some of the deleted scenes would probably make it that much more powerful. Especially Goodbye Love. And, well. The “My cat fell” scene is just funny. heh.

Ah well. Still a superb movie. lah. Want to watch the rest of the special features- the Making of RENT special feature- tomorrow I guess. Tired now.

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:.( I didn’t watch any of the special features. What’s the alternate ending? (I thought the current ending was too pat.) Practice observing your breathing — accept whatever happens. Read Peace with every step. Hugs, Jeanne

that 3rd photo rocks! re: previous entry … you *can* set it up so people can send you money – it’s called PayPal! ~BC