sObe Energy

oooh boy. Having wireless inet in all the buildings around here is gonna be a dangerous thing!

Tho, the signal is strong in the library, it is quite weak in the room where I am now, across campus. Which is ironic, since I’m right above the computer lab, and I’d think that that’s where the hub would be? Dunno how that all works exactly. But. Not entirely ironic since it’s near impossible to get cell phone reception in here as well. Hooray for cinderblock? Or something.

I hate this building. There are air vent things…like….not just the registers in the walls/ceiling, but like the boxes attached to the wall? That *constantly* blow air. Which. Fine. Whatever. Except. That makes it CONSTANTLY cold in here. AND. There is NO silence. It is really, really irritating to me. It was horrible for A&P the first year, cuz if you sat near the back, you couldn’t hear anything but the air vents. They’re not quiet either. And they have NO outside controls. It’s bothersome. Oh well.

I should be getting along to Dr F’s office. I said I’d meet her at 1230. But ten to 1 she’s not in yet 🙂 hehe. lah. I haven’t gotten around yet to reading my book, cuz I’ve been doing various things online, like reading the websites for the Relaxation Skills course that starts in a few weeks. Looks to be…interesting. Looks to be much of the stuff that poor J has been trying so valiantly to teach me for the past 8 months. eheh. *sigh*

Eep. I really should go.

I’m so tired. Ugh. I am going to go home today and go RIGHT to bed I think. At least, that’s what I’d like to do. Tho I should prolly do the reading that’s due for Thursday’s Nsg Process class. Which reminds me, I haven’t bought my book for social psych yet, oops. But DPW lady told me that they’d pay for my books…and so I haven’t bought any additional ones yet. Hrmmm.

Not to mention, the damn thing is 50 bucks. gah. The price of text books is ridiculous. It’s like…Hello!! We already can’t afford tuition…why NOT charge us an arm and a leg for a 500 page book that we’ll only get 1/3 of the way thru?!

And. I know, I know. Instructors and profs write them and blahdiblah pays for their food etc etc makes up for their not-enough pay et al. But. Dear lord. A book should NOT cost so much money. Especially not a book meant to TEACH things. What’s with that??? If ANYthing, they should cost LESS. Because we HAVE to have them, so it’s not like we’re NOT gonna buy them. It makes me angry.

Lah. I have a headache. I think it’s the weather. Allergies. Etc.

Gotta go see what Dr F has for me to do today. Weeeeee…..

I miss working in the computer lab. *sigh*

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Book prices suck! Mine is expensive, but I get about $8 per (new) book. The rest goes to publishers. That means that I have earned less – total – from the book than you will make working for Dr. F this semester!!! Glad you got Clarion! Jeanne

August 29, 2005

the make up text is $86.00 – used.