so slow!

Wow. S l o w e s t 5k ever. 35mins. Oops. Guess I should train a bit more for the next one, which is in April. heh. My goal is to get in to a regular schedule once I start the new job on Tuesday. Well, starting on Monday, actually, with BJJ class. I’m going to have to suck it up and buy another month’s pass to the Rec Center, since the weather doesn’t seem to remember how Spring works. (Although today is beautiful and sunny and 44 degrees. It was perfect for the race.)

I treated myself and bought the Les Miserables dvd yesterday. I rarely (never) buy new movies, they’re so expensive. But I had a paycheck burning a hole in my pocket and wanted to do something nice for myself. I watched it yesterday and now I have it in just to listen to the music. It’s good. Not as impressive as it could’ve been. Or I guess it’s one of those movies that I will watch more than once, but am glad I didn’t pay to see it in the theatre. Unlike Life of Pi which was my other option to buy. I would’ve loved to’ve seen that in the theatre. Oh well.

Anyways. I am going to be a grownup and use the rest of the check to pay off the credit  card I used to fund my trip to Michigan this winter, and it will go as far as to put another chunk on the credit card I’ve been paying on for years and years. Yay for 2 weeks of full time at my part-time rate! Which will actually be 3 weeks, because I work 5 days next week- 3 as a shadow and then sat and sun I’m on my own. Turns out I will have almost no interaction with the youth on nights, cuz they go to bed at 930 and don’t get up til 7, and they’re locked in their rooms. Except on the I-ORT units, but even on those units they are closed in their room and have to wait for another staff to come to the unit before they can get up to go to the bathroom.

At the psych center, there was at least some interaction with the patients because they would get up and wander around at night (at least on the adult unit) even if they weren’t supposed to. Plus there were always walk in intakes and crisis calls to deal with, and always 2 people on each unit except the RTF, and then one floater. At Mays, there’s only one person on each unit and then 2 or 3 floaters. So it will be different. I’m glad I have a Kindle now cuz apparently you’re allowed to have that on the units. (You’re not allowed to have cell phones or tablets or anything that can take pictures I don’t think. Definitely no cell phones.) But kindles are allowed. WoOt.

La la la. Speaking of La. Next Sat I hope to go to a mtg and maybe have coffee with her, but I’m not sure how to work that out, because I work til 7 and the meeting isn’t til 11, but I’m already half way there when I’m at work. So it’d only take half hr to get there. I could see if La wants to do coffee before the meeting. Or I could just have coffee with her and skip the meeting. Who knows. I’ll email her later this week and see.

I think I shall go for a bike ride. It’s too beautiful to waste the day inside sleeping.

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35 minutes is such a sad time (not). 🙂 *laughs* Also ((BigHugs)) for the responsibility! I’m working very hard at paying our card(s) down. I have most of them to almost ready to be paid OFF places and I’m very excited (I say most like we have many–we don’t, I just wish we had NONE :). Then it will be the effing hospital bills. One of which they threatened collections as I wasn’t paying (wait)

ENOUGH! I called on the collection notice & said, “umm, yes hello? I’ve been PAYING ON THIS? AND ON TIME?” & was told, “yes but not enough, sorry. Also you didn’t actually make a formal payment arrangement.” I said, “I didn’t make a formal arrangement on ANY! Do YOU SEE HOW MANY BILLS I’M PAYING ON!? & THIS ONE you’re choosing? SERIOUSLY?” “Yes, we’re sorry you have to pay MORE.” NO WORDS.

It’s also one of the ones THEY did not PREARRANGE so insurance wouldn’t cover which is WHY I’m paying on it? OF course it is. So. I’m paying MORE. Asshats. I hate them so much. :I

March 30, 2013

Can you get Skype on your Kindle?

March 30, 2013

Look at you being all grown up and stuff. *grin* Also, who the heck goes to MICHIGAN IN THE WINTER??!! You crazy man. Crazy! *laughing*

Yes, who does go to MI in the winter. *laughs*

r: Oh! Going in reverse for once, I got it at the library, had no idea it was a book! You should watch it, it was very good. Now I plan on reading it. (After all the Game of Thrones if this depression ever lets me slog thru, reading is progressing but slowly)

Heather watched it & demanded the book today. I can’t believe my library doesn’t have it! 🙁 I ordered it for her. I loved the story though. Very much.