So does that make hima dyke or just more of a fag?

So. As I was…not doing any of the things on my ToDo list, my phone rings and it’s Jay. He’s in need of a credit card to order a book for some report that’s due next week. So of course I say he can use mine.

So he comes over and orders his book and then we go out for coffee and chat for a while. Everything from transexual paintings to drawing nudes to women in religion (the book he ordered: “Evangelical Christian Women: War Stories in the Gender Battles (Qualitative Studies in Religion)” And then came back to my place. He says he wants to go to Wally World cuz he wants silver nail polish for the conference he’s going to next week. (something like “en-see-ka” National Ceramics somethingsomethingsomething) I’m like “I have silver nail polish!”

So he comes back up to my apartment and we sit there looking thru my nail polish.

There was something a little surreal about sitting cross legged on my bed across from my best guy-friend as he pulled out various colours and said “oooh, pretty!” and “i like that!!” *grin* He was like So, I guess this reconfirms it- I’m really a dyke! (kind of an in-joke. He graduated from Dandy Dyke University before I did!) But then he paused and was like No. No, definately just more of a fag! hehe.

In reality, he’s neither. Well. He’s Bi. But, closer to gay than straight. At least, I think so.

Not saying that boys who paint their nails are gay. But. It was just a really funny moment and it made me smile, so I thought I’d write about it. heh.

*****edit, in response to the note left*****
I can’t reply to the note cuz the person’s diary is set to faves only, but I have a few thoughts:
not that it’s anyones business, but TSB made it sound as if Jay is Bi cuz it’s “easier” or something. Not the case. He had identified as gay before identifying as Bi. Trust me, we’ve had many lengthy coversations about the subject. Generally we come up with the conclusion that labeling is stupid anyways. He’s not straight nor is he 100% gay, as most people aren’t one or the other. As I said. He’s Bi, just farther to the boyside than the girlside.
*shrugs* I mean, thanks for the note and I’m not offended or anything but. Sometimes commenting on a situation you know very little about isn’t always the best idea is all. :o)

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If he is your best male friend and he is sitting with you, rummaging through nail polishes and deciding which one he likes best…chances are there’s no “bi” about it. He’s just gay; the few incidents with women were so he didn’t have to completely come out of the closet. Take care (The Space Between…sorry, I’m not signed in!)

February 23, 2006

Didn’t Kinsey already go over that like 50 years ago? 😉 And I know some perfectly straight boys who like nail polish…not many, but some.