slow motion

…miss jones taught me english but i think i just shot her son. cuz he owed me money, with a bullet in the chest you cannot run. now he’s bleeding in a vacant lot. the one in the summer where we used to smoke pot. i guess i didn’t mean it, but man you shoulda seen it. his flesh explode. slow motion see me let go. we tend to die young. slow motion see me let go. what a brother knows. slow motion see me let go. now the cops will get me but girl, if you would let me, i’ll take your pants off. i got a little bit of blow, we could both get off. later bathing in the afterglow, 2 lines of coke i cut with drain-o and her nose starts to bleed.
a most beautiful ruby red.
slow motion see me let go. we’ll remember these days. slow motion see me let go. urban life decay. slow motion see me let go. and i know. my sister’s eating paint chips again maybe that’s why she’s insane. i shut the door to her moaning and i shoot smack in my veins. wouldn’t you. see my neighbor’s beating his wife because he hates his life. there’s a knock to his fist as he swings, oh man what a beautiful thing. and death lies close to me. won’t grow old to be.
a junky whino creep.
hollywood glamarized my raff. i’m the young urban psychopath. i incite murder for your entertainment. cuz i needed the money, what’s your excuse? the joke’s on you.
slow motion see me let go. oh yeah, slow motion see me let go. slow motion see me let go.
third eye blind

therapy today. i did the dishes, so i have spoons again. so i can eat…things that require spoons again. tho. forks were working just as adequately. *shrugs* it snowed this morning. something with wings is beating inside my chest, trying to get out. how’s that line go? by the poet. Ah.

Something with wings went crazy against my chest once.


i don’t want to have this mri done tomorrow. i went to the piercing place, cuz i couldn’t get my earring out on my own, heh. But the guy made me feel less like an idiot, cuz he was like “yeah. sometimes those are on really tight” and then he got it right off and i was like “geeesh. you just got it right off!” and he was like “you need the right tools sometimes :o)” so. I didn’t feel like an ass.

but now i have a hole in my ear, and it freaks me out. but i certainly hope that it doesn’t close as quick as the eyebrow piercing did, cuz that would piss me off.

i still hate the colour orange.

Ok. So. THIS is how it feels to be me sometimes:(just keep looking at the pictures, you’ll figure it out.)

Follow this link. These two pics have been shown to over 8000 people and only 19 have been able to detect the 3 things that are not common between the two photos.

How many differences can YOU find? Also, a special gift from me PERSONALLY to anyone that can tell me what language the music is in…it’s faint and takes a while to start playing…I think it’s German, but could be wrong.

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Oh… I’ll have to come back (like probably tomorrow morning) when I have time to look, listen & concentrate… 🙂 Will be thinking about you & the MRI. ((((soft, soft hugs))))

I couldn’t spot the difference.. I guess I’m just ordinary. -BC

October 29, 2005

that’s a very scary game 😛

November 17, 2005

love this song. link doesnt work anymore 🙁 I did do this riddle that einstein made up, one time. only 2% of those in the world could get it 🙂 that’s when i was young and had nothing on my mind, i think.