
So. I’ve spent the last 2 days…literally about 40 hours…in bed. WHY??? Ugh. I’ve gotten up to go feed cats, to grab a snack or two. Otherwise, I’ve slept my life away these last 2 days. I kept saying “I need to get up, I need to go run, I need to not be a useless sack of shit”

Didn’t work. I just turned over and pulled the sheets closer.

Tomorrow I have to get up, shower, get dressed because I have therapy at 1030. I plan on wearing my running clothes. That way I have NO EXCUSE to not go running after.

Happy New Year, eh? :p Maybe I need my meds adjusted. After more than a decade of trying this that and the other thing, I thought I’d found a mix that was working. And perhaps it is. At least I FEEL like I shouldn’t be wasting my life in bed, instead of feeling like it’s the only place to be? Or something….

That being said, I’ve been having lots of ‘cuddle’ time with Lucy. I put cuddle in apostrophe’s cuz she’s actually more the type to bite my hand if I try to cuddle her. But she will curl up and cuddle next to me, as long as I don’t try to pet or touch her with my hands, lol. Oh, my crochety old lady dog. I love her to pieces.

I finished the first season of American Horror Story and started the second season. The first ep of Asylum is damn creepy!! I’m hooked, but it costs $2 to watch an ep and I haven’t had any luck finding it online for free. Maybe I’ll try Mega video if they still exist.

Now I shall return to my slothlike ways and go back to sleep. Weeeeee.

lol…well, megavideo certainly doesn’t exist anymore. I went to their site to find they’ve been shut down on money laundering, racketeering, and copyright infringement. Oops….

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Yes! Wear your running clothes then go run. Go. *nudge poke nudge*

P.S. small steps. Setbacks to be expected. Always. It’s part of the bag. Not just it is what it is. It just IS. <3

January 7, 2013

I found Season 2 for you for free online, it is hard to navigate through that site, but if you go 1 entry back on my diary, it is from Sept 19, it will give you step by step directions. Yeah I know I don’t write much in my diary, I am just a silet reader.

January 8, 2013

Sleeping is my favorite passtime.