Shhh. I’m not really here….

Nope. Not really here. I’m invisible. Yep.

*sigh* I’ve been studying for…what seems like hours but in reality is only like, an hour and a half. Lah.

I was going to study earlier before the kids went to bed, but they wanted me to see The Incredibles, and it HAS been forever since I’ve gotten to spend any time with them whatsoever. So. I made dinner and we ate it while we watched the movie and then I curled up on the couch with them for the rest of it. Then let them take a nice long bath (after much screaming about who got the preferred seat (the one closest to the hot water faucet!!!) and washed their hair. Then I got them their snacks and breathing treatments. Found Silkie, who was hiding under the dining room table. Also found a much looked for monkey earring (I have this odd knack for finding things. It’s kind of spooky sometimes. And it’s also why I completely and TOTALLY freak out when I lose my keys or whatnot. I usually know where they are or should be and it means I’m way off track if I’ve misplaced them…Tangent. lah.) Hmm. So after snacks, I read to RB while the doodlebug read in her room. She reminds me of me….nose forever pressed in a book :o) I did get to spend some time with her today actually, which was nice. She didn’t want to go to the sitter’s after M picked her up and such, so she came over to my apartment for a little while before we went to pick her brother up from the sitters. She mostly just went from the turtle tank to the frog cage and back to the turtle tank. 🙂 She’s fascinated with animals. I can’t believe how grown up she’s getting. She was just barely more than a baby when I started watching her. AAACCCKKKKK. They’re both growing up too quick. Hopefully I will get to spend time with them this summer. Last summer was….eheh. Was me working 3 jobs and completely stressing about getting back in to nursing school. Fun.

I was putting RB to bed after stories and I lay my head down on his pillow while I tickled his back, like I always do, and he scootched away so I thought maybe he no longer liked his back ticked, but then he said sleepily around his thumb “I moved over, so now there’s room for your WHOLE body. So you can rest all of you!” *heart melts* hehe. That boy can reduce me to a puddle in seconds. I am pretty convinced that he’s the only boy I’ll ever truely and completely love with all of my heart. Hopefully that will last even when he’s grown up.

Then I went over and snuggled with DB for a bit, and told her she could read *two* chapters of her book, since she was really good (as she always is, actually. Well, mostly. :O) and since they got to bed a little early. She was overjoyed.

And that’s why I’m (not) here. I went up to check on her to make sure she wasn’t still awake. She definately was not. Gawd what I’d give to just fall asleep so instantaneously and soundly.

So. While I was up, I thought I’d check my email and such. I’ve gone through all of my notes on pyloric stenosis, clef lip and palate, tay-sachs disease and phenylketonuria (PKU). Now I’m starting on the adult disorders like GERD and hernias and gastritis. Progress, progress. I’m not feeling quite so terrified of the exam at the moment, because the first few diseases/disorders are pretty cut and dry and many of them are ones I’ve had before, like in Child Development, so I already had a base to jump from. I am sort of worried about the rest tho, cuz they start all looking the same soon. lah. Focus on the differences. That’s the key. Like in pharm….no need to memorize the fact that all of the drugs can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Focus on the *different* side effects like tachycardia or tinitis, etc. Yep yep.

It’s frigging SNOWING. UGH. RB looked out the window earlier, cuz I groaned cuz I saw snow falling in the porch light, and he saw it too and he got this horribly worried look on his face and looked at me in terror. “OH NO!!!!!!! You mean it’s going to be winter AGAIN????” I assured him that it would probably all melt when the sun came out. That seemed to calm him.

I seriously need new glasses. Ugh. I have the computer about an arm’s length away and I have to squint to see the letters clearly. Yick. Eheh. I’m gonna be horribly busy the second week of summer. The first week I’m going to sleep. The second week….new glasses, get the oil leak in my car fixed, set up a new tank for Mobius hopefully. Fun.

Ok. No more procrastination. Back to work.

(And the only reason the computer is on at all is cuz I’m using iTunes. Which I am not a huge fan of. I miss my winAmp and I keep forgetting to dl it to this computer. Eheh. I could always do that now, since I’m using M’s super-speedy wireless network. Which I’m in love with.

Ok. Going now. Yay for gastroesophogeal reflux disease. hah. And the little purple pill! *rolls eyes*


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I so totally can’t take the “little purple pill.” It gave me the worst stomach cramps I’ve had in my life… like double me over, force sweat out my pores kinda cramps. OUCH. I take Pepcid now and that seems to do ok. …the kids? Gawd–TOO CUTE. 🙂