sheep don’t growl!

WOOT!!! I get to keep working with Growlie!!!

And, apparently, the teacher and aide knew already that they were thinking of changing me? (But I think it might’ve been a different situation) And the teacher actually talked to HER supervisor and stuff to find out how they could KEEP me!

I feel special πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Even tho Growlie outwardly can’t stand me, lol. But I wanted to hug him today when L called and said I was staying with him. πŸ™‚

And now, out for drinks with L. Or at least, out to sit at the bar and listen to Matt play jazz. hehe.

Oh yea, today when Growlie was…growling at me (well, one of the times) I was like “Uhm, we don’t allow sheep in the school.” And he growled again. “Nope, no bunnies either.” Another growl. “And CERTAINLY no goats!!!” At which point he got up and went back to his desk to get away from me, lol. It might seem like I was teasing him, but I really wasn’t. The teacher’s response to his growls is usually “We don’t allow animals in school”, so.

Hrmmmm. I was gonna walk to the bar, but now it’s raiiining. Booo. I think I’ll walk anyways.

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Yea!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you.

*smiles* (for the positive reinforcement you received and for sheep/bunnies/goats comments… πŸ™‚

Yay!! I really didn’t want you to have to leave him. =o)