She tied you to a kitchen chair….

….she broke your throne, she cut your hair…

Look! Me, procrastinating!! Imagine that. *rolls eyes* I have 45 minutes before I was going to leave. But an hour and 15 minutes until I said I -might- leave 🙂 heheh.

Things I need to do: shower. pack. feed/water cats. vacuum. put clean clothes away. dishes. empty trunk of car. laundry.

Probably in that order, however I’ll prolly only get to the cat watering or vacuuming before I leave.

Ok. WHY the fuck does my apt smell like a sewage tx plant??? It’s nothing in here, cuz it JUST started. Maybe it’s just the smell from the laundry downstairs. Which pisses me off. I mean, just the fact that they’re doing laundry. Always furks up my shower, cuz the water goes from normal to SCALDING to FREEZING to normal again. At random. Doesn’t bother me -quite- as much when I’m not in a hurry, cuz I have time to stand plastered against the wall, waiting for the temp to resume a reasonable degree. But it’s really frigging annoying when I’m in a hurry. Which I’ll definately be in by the time I finish this email.

I also want to burn a cd of the songs that I’ve been playing on repeat for the last week. But there’s only 11. Why do I feel guilty for not filling a cd with as many songs as will fit….eesh.

If the mail doesn’t come by the time I leave, I need to stop by a post office box. I need to mail in my paychecks anyways. eheh. Hopefully the paychecks will get deposited faster than the bills go thru. They usually do tho, cuz the bills are all thru the internet and they won’t even get -sent- until Monday. Except the ones that are eBilling, those go thru quicker. But. It doesn’t matter. Either way, I should have enough in there to cover everything without the paychecks. But them being in would make me more at ease. :p It would also allow me to take money out today, so I have some cash with me. hmmm. hahah. I could dip in to my savings account. If it had more than 12 dollars in it. *rolls eyes* I hate Finances. :p

Oh well. At least my apt will be somewhat nicer to come home to than the last time I left. Cuz last time it was just a disaster and now it’s semi-clean. Why’s it nicer to come home to a clean house? That’s just interesting.

wOOt! I won Simple Mind’s contest! Well, I tied for first with someone else. I feel so special *grin* I know him better than his OTHER readers. Hah. hehe. Or at least I guess better.

Wee. It’s 9.30 now, so p’raps I should get going.

Ohohoh! I called her last nite, to make sure we were still on for today. Got her voice mail. But *giggolz* She has a really cute voice. She actually sounds a lot like Dove. Then she called me back and we had an awkward 3 minutes of conversation. eheh. *eeep* It won’t be so awkward in person. I hope! lol. Great. Now I’ve made myself all nervous. *rolls eyes* Good thing I have a 2 hour drive in which to fret about it. hehe. Must take good music. Ani. Mixed cd if I have time to make it which I won’t. *angry that I lost my fav DMB cd* Under the Table and Dreaming was my #1 Driving CD of Choice. *sigh* Maybe Indigo Girls. heh. Emailed Mrs P last nite, ended up talking about concerts that I’d been to recently. So now I’m all in the mood for Ani, Indigo Girls and Lucy Kaplansky. Wonder if I could listen to LK withot getting myself all furked up emotionally….eheh.

Beh. Must stop typing and go get ready to go! I think I prolly need to get gas now too. Last time I passed a gas station I think it was 2.25?? Maybe I’m remembering wrong. Eesh.

I’ve hear there was a secret chord taht david played and it pleased the lord, but you don’t really care for music do you? it goes like this, the 4th the 5th, the minor fall the major lift, the baffled king composing hallelujuah. hallelujah. halllelujah. hallelulah. Your faith was strong but you needed proof. you saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you. She tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your thrown, she cut your hair, and from your lips she drew the hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Maybe I’ve been here before, I know this room, I’ve walked this floor. I used to live alone before I knew you. I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch. Love is not a victory march, it’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah….Maybe there’s a god above and all i ever learned from love wsa how to shoot at someone who outdrew you. It’s not a cry you can hear at nite. It’s not somebody who’s seen the light. It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah….
-Rufus Wainwright

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