
Well, I start shadowing for my new position on Wednesday. I will shadow Wed, Thurs, and the following Wed (I think), and then I’m off and running (eek). I did end up losing $3.90/hr, but I can live with that. I think I got the highest salary I could get, starting out. And I’m already signed up for health benefits, they kick in on August 1, so that’s nice I don’t have to wait another 90 days for it to start.

I went to La’s after work yesterday. We had coffee and chatted on the couch for a while, and then we drove her boarder to work cuz his bus was late. Then we went to Michael’s, cuz I needed to get some idea of what framing is gonna cost me for my gallery show. If I hit one of their sales, I think I will be able to do it relatively cheaply (for framing, which is hella expensive. So it’s still gonna cost me an arm and a leg…) and still have it look nice. They were having a 50% off sale, but it ended yesterday, of course. I couldn’t’ve gotten any yesterday tho cuz I don’t even know what size I’m gonna print them. I would love 12×18, but I’m thinking 9×12 is gonna be the more realistic option, since it’s a difference of 6.39 vs 15.99, and those are my only size choices if I go with DeviantArt to print.

Anyways. After Micheal’s we went to JoAnn Fabrics to check out their frame selection. No where near as decent at Michael’s. Then we went back to her house and watched stupid (hilarious) YouTube clips with her son. Something called The Most Popular Girl In School or something. Done with Barbie dolls. It was pretty funny, as far as dumb YouTube videos go 🙂

I am having a flea problem. Ugh. So annoying. I can’t seem to get rid of them. Gross. I’d say Dumb Dog, but I can’t say that about my Lucers. :0}

I met my Little a few days ago. It was just the preliminary "Hi, let’s talk for 10 minutes" meeting with the caseworker and family. We are having our first get together tomorrow. I think we are just going to hang out at my house and paint/colour/draw/make collages with magazines. Seems like a good first activity. That way we can talk and create and just kinda hang out. I need to shampoo my bedroom carpet to get rid of the cat pee smell. I WILL say STUPID CATS cuz GRRRRRRR. It annoys me that they piss on the floor.

However, since I already cleaned off the art room table, cleaned the bathroom, put away laundry, and half cleaned the kitchen, I’m all out of Ooomph at the moment. I worked last nite and haven’t slept yet. Right now I’m just biding my time til Goodwill opens to see if I can get a cheap blanket to put on the floor to do crafts on. I suppose we could use the kitchen table, but I’d rather spread out. And I hate my kitchen, and I’d have to clean off the table and find somewhere for the cat food, as that’s where I currently feed the cats. (I never sit at the table or really use it for anything other than a piling place..)

Ah well. Maybe I shall go to wally world and get some milk so I can eat breakfast. And have something OTHER than poptarts for a change. *grin*

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Pop tarts. 🙂 I’m glad time you’re moving up even if it is a pay cut. Yikes. Nights must get a premium to get folks to work them???Still yes. Regular schedule and promise of hours is bonus. As is interaction. Yay. Printing… A friend uses another site and I’m not sure about direct printing costs. I’ll try to track that down tomorrow a.m.

That seems really odd that they’d pay part timers more per hour? Weird!

July 28, 2013

Stupid cats. I prefer LOLCats. They don’t shed or pee on my carpets.

July 29, 2013


argghhh, I’m applying for a GrownUp job. 45 minute commute. College Librarian for community college in Petoskey. Cannot pass it up. Extra 20k. Starts end of August. Will screw up vacation plans Big Time. BUT… should have different variations of holidays/time off to choose from going forward (after probationary period which is LONG, 6 months). I’m talking like it’s mine. But… seeking MLS

holding candidate but willing to wait for someone if they can get one by 2015. I’m thinking… this area? My having one + 7 years experience in management… I want. I’m hopeful. :/ I’m also terrified!

Terror can be useful if one is running from… Tigers! 🙂 You are right, they cannot kill me. *sigh* (repeats this over&over&over. …the waiting now that things have been set in motion could though. 🙂 or thinking about taking on a Grown Up Job. ack. my heart alternates between excitement & feeling like it might explode, literally)

p.s. Yeah, I never did track down that site they used for printing. I forgot to tell you that? :/ Sorry! I think it might have been a localish thing (after I thought about it), & I couldn’t remember the link even though I searched in all my emails. I thought I had it in email but it must’ve been an OD link & it’s someone who has since deleted their OD. Off to do more research.

Fun Fact: IF I land this job I will be replacing someone named Eunice. Which just leads me to assume this is a forever job. Do you know anyone under the age of like 60ish named Eunice? 🙂 I only know one & she’s in her 60’s. Anyway. Reading. Collection development in academic libraries. Woooooo! 😀