service excellence

they called me in to work tonite. on the rtf. ugh. but. need the money and it’s always (almost) an easy nite over there. 2 hours of work followed by 6 hours of nothingness. need to remember to take my book. lah. tomorrow nite too. then to jen’s.

major sleep issues again. miss the lunesta.

i think squishy maybe ate limey. :o/

i’ve a headache.

and no idea what to wear to a memorial. is it still proper to wear black??

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You can wear pretty much what you want to a memorial service – it doesn’t necessarily have to be black. At least not here in Illinois – here just about anything goes within reason. [Native Dreamer} not signed in.

just… (((((hugs))))) re: your note & all. I love you girl… and I think… I would agree that you need a break. & money & bills and “afford it” or bleh–whatever. You need to take care of *you*. so… …take care of you… xxoo,

…more… (((((hugs)))))

I don’t think it has to be black, just nothing bright or flashy or festive. I’m sorry about Limey. What was he/she? RYN: They’re in pencil and b&w. I’m getting ready to post a few now. And thank you for the offer. That’s very generous of you. =o)

February 25, 2006

RYN: not a dragonfly. And if my tattoo was a piece of bacon then I’d be in trouble because I’d be trying to lick my butt. (My tattoo is in the small of my back.) *grin*