
I hafta say….the new layout has seriously depleted my joy of OpenDiary. Appearances shouldn’t bother me. But I just. Find it….less navigatable? I was a big fan of the drop down menus. I understand that they weren’t good for everyone. But *shrugs* I dunno. And the front page of OD? UGLYUGLYUGLY. Geesus. Just bring back the pink and beige. At least it wasn’t gaudy and irritating to the eye. *sigh*

Today was a good day. It poured down rain. I love rain. Honest. I’m kind of a weirdo, according to most people, because of it. I also love snow. But rain almost even more.

Pi is the most talkative cat I’ve ever met. She walks in the room and looks at me and mwrowrs at me and then goes and lays down. And when I get up and go to the bed, where she’s laying, she mwrowrs again at me. Like she’s saying “Hello!” It’s very cute. She’s very cute.

My apartment is too full of cats. I need to get rid of her. But I can’t. *sigh* She’s so soft and fuzzy and friendly and sweet. UGH. I’m such an idiot. lah.

I went to see Patty Griffin the other nite. I will write about it, but not right now, as the seroquel just hit and i’m feeling like passing out. blehc,

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April 7, 2006

i agree about the new layout.

Taking in a new friend has never made anyone an idiot. Yourself included.

April 7, 2006

ditto with the layout…..

I was a drop-down menu fan as well… the new front page layout (while not so very appealing to me for whatever reason) doesn’t really bother me as I don’t think I ever spent much time there other than to log in. 🙂 But yeah, I miss miss miss the drop down menu. I love rain too. xxoo,

ryn: hmmm… wondering what you are pondering on, exactly? 🙂

April 11, 2006

hehe…you should check out Seattle or England, where it rains lots. i agree about the new layout…at LEAST they could have kept login stuff on the left side.