segue -edit-


fingertips brush brown ink
permanently placed amidst
melanin, follicles, skin.

flat characters undistorted
by peaks of tissue healed
exactly the way life isn’t.

hypocrisy crowds in, defeat
readily admitted, familiar
silence settles deafeningly.

robins try to pry worms
from icy blacktop and
I am left to wonder:

how do you explain frozen
to one who has never known
such numbness?
○p!b productions, 4.14.07/9.09am

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April 14, 2007

ryn: i’d be shocked. *~

April 15, 2007

I’ve been meaning to tell you, I saw David Duchovny on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson Thursday night. Straight from the horse’s mouth, he said that there *will* be another X-Files movie, and that it was beginning to pick up momentum and come together. I don’t know about you, but since it had taken so long, I was worried that we might have seen the last of Mulder and Scully. It didn’t helpthe way he seemed to be so tired of the part by the end of the series. But he sounded very upbeat and positive about the new movie, so that made me very, very happy. Hopefully, we’ll get some more news about it sometime soon. I think I would rather see a stand alone mystery for them to investigate rather than something that tries to tie into the alien saga. What about you?

April 16, 2007