
Wee. Just spent a lovely 4 day weekend with AJ. Watched The Hours and Amilie (sp??). Forgot how much I loved Amilie! Also went to the movies with her mom and gram and saw The DaVinci Code. I was impressed with the movie- they managed to fit in almost all of the essentials (that I remembered) from the book. But it wasn’t, to me, as controversial as the book. It was a long movie but it didn’t seem to drag at all or anything. And, the girl who played Sophie was yummy. *smiles* As I was watching it, I felt a strange sense of deja vu, as if I’d already SEEN this movie. But I think it’s just cuz the book was so damn descriptive!

AJ and I went to the thrift store and to the mall. Got some new shirts and a few pairs of scrubs, yay! Good thing, since I didn’t manage to do any laundry while I was there, so all my scrubs are currently dirty. Guess I’ll do laundry tomorrow sometimes. Lah. Got my tax prep reimbursement from H&R block while I was away, so yay to that, too.

Either my ears or my antibiotics the dr put me on for my throat are making me feel pretty yicky. lah. Need to CLEAN, as the Big Brothers Big Sisters lady wants to make an appt for a home visit this week. (eek!) I’ve decided to put away the “Love Pussies, Hate Bush” pin, but leave up the “I’m Rush Limbaugh’s Gay, Liberal, Democratic Lover” sticker. heh. Might cover the KISS poster with the wall hanging Jay brought me from Ecuador. Dunno tho. I mean, it’s not like it’s pr0n or anything close, but still. *shrugs* I dunno.

Ohoh!! Also bought a rainbow belt at Spencer’s! 🙂 I’ve been looking for one foreverrrrr. Finally found one, and a lovely one, at that! yay! Now I have *two* belts. hehe. Also found a cute little tie for RB at the thrift store. It has racecars on it. Dunno if he’ll like it or wear it (tho, he loves/d to get dressed up), but it was only like, 50 cents, so.

Ugh, I’m sooo tired. And I am in desperate need of a shower!

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whee! i live for thrift store finds! woo! go make with the showshies

The deja vu might have been because Sophie *was* Amelie!! And she was incredibly delicious in both roles. And I love that pin!!

…dang. Someone beat me to it re: the woman who played Sophie being the same actress as in Amelie. (I ADORED that movie 🙂

June 5, 2006

i need a shower too. cant wait to see da vinci code, did i spell right. i loved the book. take care.

June 5, 2006

*hugs* glad you had a great weekend… feel better

I’m like one of the twenty people in the literate English speaking world that hasn’t read The Davinci Code, even though it’s been at top of the bestseller list for about 300 consecutive weeks. I should read it before I see it. ryn: Aww, you’re so sweet. My ability to maintain your interest in things other than my penis must mean I’m saying something right! 😉