schedule **edit**

mostly so i have access to it. also because i’m pushing myself past my limits and not realising it, so maybe seeing it in writing will remind me to say no sometimes.

starting on 6.24…
11p-8a (6.25) psych center
9a-5p M’s kids
5p-10p attempt to sleep unsuccessful
11p-3a (6.26) psych center
3a-8a attempt to sleep unsuccessful thus far.
9a-5p M’s kids
5p-10p attempt to sleep
10p-11p shower
11p-8a (6.27) psych center
8a-9a take LONG bath, shave legs
9a-11a crash on m’s couch til kids wake me up
11a-5p M’s kids
oops. Forgot i told m I’d come over right after work so she could go meet some guy. I knew time for a bath was too good to be true. So. Tho she said she’d try to make other arrangements.
8a-5p m’s kids
5p-630p yoga (skipping this week)
5p-?? work on getting shite out of apartment
9a-5p M’s kids
4p – Little
6p-10p M’s kids/Little to show?
11p-8a (6.29) psych center
8a-5p continue emptying apt/shampoo carpet
5p-6p shower, wash hair
6p-10p M’s kids/show with AJ
(6.30) – last day to get all the rest of the shite out of my apartment
10a-6p F. House
6p-11p M’s kids
slip in to a deep coma. maybe eat something, but probably not.
11p-8a (7.4) psych center
10a-6p F. House
10a-6p F. House
6p-11p M’s kids
10a-6p F. House
6p-11p M’s kids
10a-6p F. House
11p-8a (7.8) psych center
11p-8a (7.9) psych center

Of course, in the midst of all of this, I need to call SS and let them know I accept their job offer, if it’s still offered. As well as schedule an interview at the psych center for an in-house position that I applied for.

Not to mention call and cancel all of my utilities. Shower. Pretend I’m capable of carrying on a conversation when mostly what I want to do is tell everyone to shut the fuck up and let me at least pretend to sleep in my head for a few seconds……heh.

Ok. Gonna go try to sleep again. Didn’t work the first time. I lay in bed for 40 minutes in that horrible uncomfortable state of too exhausted to sleep, too exhausted to move. So I decided to write out my schedule, since it was beating my brain in to bits.

now the birds are up and chirping.

I need to stop clenching my jaw.


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Fshew. I got tired just reading this. 🙂 (and am pretending that my schedule is not going to be as full come Fall) …wishing you moments of refreshing rest (even if it’s not “sleep”) and sustenance. xxoo,

June 26, 2007

*hugs* love you. i clench my jaw all the time… not good. hope you’re able to sleep when you’re suppose to

June 26, 2007

ryn: the thong thing… I *know* 🙂 Which is why I tend to try to wear longer shirts when wearing low riding pants. But in this case, my only option is ya know, nothing under the pants… which I just can’t *do* *g*. 😀

Thinking of you.