
Lah. AJ left a bit ago. I didn’t cry this time! *sigh* Wanted to tho. Lunch with Homie was awesome, as usual. She sounded good and she looked good too. She’s still with serialkillerstalkerboy. But. She doesn’t sound like she takes too much shit from him, which I am relieved to hear. We chattered and chattered and chattered and laughed alot. lol. AJ has an adorable laugh 🙂 It was really good to see Homie again. I miss her. But, she’s going to grad school (clinical psychology, YAY!) about 20 mins from where AJ lives, so hopefully we’ll get to hang out some still. That pleases me. That pleases me greatly. hehe. (I forget what movie that’s from…) Or maybe it’s from a song.

Anyhow. So. Other things about this weekend….I saw my first ever ‘shooting star’ 🙂 AJ and I were watching I, Robot at H’s, and after that was over, we took a blanket out on to the deck and just stared at the sky- there’s a meteor shower going on- I think I saw two, but I couldn’t be sure cuz they were so quick and just in the peripheral of my vision, but then one went like, right above us and I know I saw that cuz I was like “oooh!! did you see that?!!” at the same time AJ gasped 🙂 So. Yay 🙂 hehe. Add another event to the So frikkin’ romantic it’s almost cliche, but not quite.. list. *grin* mmmm. Lovely.

So. At dinner the one nite, H and AJ and I were sitting there just kind of chatting, and we got to talking about mum, and I asked, ya know, if she ever checked her email (cuz I sent her pics of AJ and I, but she never responded) and H was like “Yeah, why…” so we got to talking about her response to the whole me being a dyke thing. And H was like…*rolls eyes*…and this is yet another shining example of how fucked up and bizarre communication is in my family….Well, H has said a few times that she can’t believe I came out when I did, how I did….And. I mentioned mum’s reaction (Her just saying That’s a hard life to choose…) and H was like…she said that mum thought that I did it at that time and place to get a big shocked reaction….and so mum was being low-key about it (so as to not give me the reaction she thought that I wanted?)

*slaps forhead*

Yes. Yes, my goal was to make them choke on their dinner. Geeeeesum. Yes, I did leave my bookbag with “obvious” buttons on it laying where I hoped H or someone would see it and comment on it….but not cuz I wanted a big reaction. Just cuz I didn’t know how to bring it up! I thought that the way it occured was better than just sitting down and saying “hey, guess what! I’m gay!!!” But apparently, that’s how they perceived it anyways. So. *sigh* Then of course I had to launch in to the “Well, what the hell did you WANT me to do??” schpeal, and how she never came home and announced that she was straight. And she was like “No! But you saw me dating guys all thru high school…” Yes, I told her. And I never really dated anyone until AJ, so why did I have to announce my….“preference”? *sigh* Whatever…

Of course, she also told me that they (her and mum and patrick, I assume…) had been “talking” about it for years, and suspected it for years apparently. (Again, I ask…WHY didn’t anyone clue ME in, huh?? geesum.) lah. Overall tho, it was a good conversation. At least I know what the deal is with mum now. Playing low key. *rolls eyes* What the hell is that s’posed to mean, anyways? Low key? Geesh.

Hmmm. What else occured this weekend…nothing much. AJ came here instead of going home on Saturday, so that was lovely. oooh, we watched Better Than Chocolate which was…uhm….Yummy? *blush* Anyways….Hopefully I’ll get up to see her this week, since I don’t work Tues-Fri, I think. And I’m working for Dr F on Monday instead of Wednesday, cuz she’ll be out of town or something. So I will prolly just go on Tuesday after my appt with J. lah.

I MUST clean my apt before skewl starts. I mean, it’s not horrible right now. And, I did the dishes yesterday, so that’s one thing. But I need to put away the laundry and Freecycle the random broken things I have laying about (phone, stereo, printer…) and clean up the old bookshelf, since currently everything’s basically just shoved on to it anywhich way but loose. meh. Am very, very pleased with the new bookshelf tho 🙂 It looks so neat and orderly, and *all* of my nursing books fit (well, I just had to buy 2 new nsg books last week – grr – but I can shift stuff around and *then* they’ll all fit again…) I just need to buy my text for Social Psych and I will be all set for the semester. Oi. Need to ask M if she will wash my nsg uniforms for me- I’m afraid to use bleach, lol. Knowing me, I’ll totally bleach the damn things out instead of just whitening them. Oi. Eep. 🙁 And I killed 2 of their fishes….M’s betta that she’s had since she lived in the city 2 (?) summers ago and RB’s funky google-eye fish. Well. I didn’t kill them personally. But I went in to check on the animals, and they were both dead. DB’s fish is ok tho, and so are the cats and the hamster. So I can’t figure out what they died from. I mean, neither of their tanks were especially horrible dirty. And I was feeding them about every other day…and if *anything* it shoulda (well, not shoulda, but it woulda made more sense if) DB’s fish had died, cuz I have had to feed it betta food since the crazy house-keeper woman apparently threw away her fish food…

eheh. Crazy housekeeper woman. heh. Yeah. So. She’s kind of been a partial bane on my existence since M’s been on vaca. I mean, she does a wonderful job and everything is nice and clean. Except. She took all the magnets off of the fridge. And when I came in – she was there – she was like “I finally got the refridgerator all cleaned off…” Uhm. I just nodded and was like “uh. ok…” Cuz. M….collects magnets- when she goes places, she likes to get a magnet as a souvenier type thing. So. Uhm. So she *wants* them on the fridge. I would assume. Since she’s had magnets all over the fridge since I first stepped foot in her house howevermanyyears ago… And *then* CHKW was like “Geesh. And I hope M doesn’t mind, but I took down all of the things she had hanging up” (As in, all of the kids’ artwork in the kitchen and such…..) And. At first I was again just like “uh…ok…” cuz I figured, well, M can either put the stuff back up, or just put new stuff up as it comes home from school or whatnot. So, whatever. Except. Then CHKW said something like “I mean, there’s a limit, ya know? You should be proud of your kids and display their stuff. But not that much of it! You don’t have to have everything out…” She was all proud of herself for removing what she prolly perceived as “clutter” but…I just. Blinked. And was like “Right. Uh. I’m gonna go check on the hamster now….” It made me kind of angry. First off, if she KNEW the quantities of things that DB and RB produced, she’d KNOW that M doesn’t display ALL of it. And. And no, I don’t think there’s a limit! It’s M’s frikkin house! It’s HER kids! It’s not like it was wall to wall plastered with kids artwork! I guess….I dunno. I’m so used to things hanging on the walls- cute drawings or paper windsocks (what the hell is a windsock? windsocket?? Eh…) and paper plate suns with crepe paper “rays” and just….I LIKE the stuff. I like sitting at the table and lookingat things. And, they DO change periodically. I just….I dunno. I guess M is used to her crazy-ways, but. Even tho it wasn’t my place to be so- I was kind of offended. Yeah. The kitchen is all sparkling and pristine now. But. *shrugs* It doesn’t feel like M’s kitchen, either. Oh well. Not my house.anymore lah. And I’d like to put stuff back up, at least the magnets, but I know that CHKW will be back some time next week, and I don’t want to offend her by doing that.

Oh! And THEN she got it in to her head to…pain the cabinets??? I mean, not totally paint them, but touch them up, like around the handles and such, where the paint has chipped or scratched off….She was asking me if I knew where the paint was. eheh. Right. I wasn’t touching THAT one with a ten foot pole. I feigned ignorance. I don’t think she ended up doing anything with it, tho she did find some in the basement (well, FIRST she found a can of primer/sealer stuff….eheh…) but I don’t know if she decided it wasn’t the right colour or if she couldn’t find any brushes…Oi vey. I guess when you ask someone to come in to your house and tidy things up, that they are allowed certain liberties…? Like. Rearranging the guest room furniture….*rolls eyes* I guess I just…I’m just not like that. Hell, it took me a year to be able to just throw yucky food away from the fridge without first clearing it with M! lol. Oh well. At least M, et al will come home to a very clean house…

Ugh. I need to get ready for work. They actually called me around 3pm (I didn’t answer) to see if I’d come in 4 hours early. AJ was here, so I didn’t call back! They also called me last nite to see if I’d come in and work nite shift. Again, AJ was here, so I didn’t call back. Even tho I do need the money. lah. hmm. Priorities…

AJ and I were trying to define…us….today. Or define whatever it is we’re….doing? lol. Define our relationship? Something like that. Not dating exactly. But. More than just seeing each other, too. Like. Uhm. I think we’d totally both be willing to jump right in and move in together, if it weren’t for skewl and distance and things. We have talked about it. So. And. Yeah. That’s moving a little bit fast. But. I dunno. It’s like….like how Homie and I just sort of hung out for -one- nite and became really close friends….heh. Insta-bond. And. Sometimes I’m wary. I’ve never really…done this before? Never truely been in a relationship like this. So. It’s hard to tell if…I dunno. I have nothing with which to compare, no previous experiences, really, to use as an outline or guide. And. I was thinking that, it’s just not MY luck to find someone so….perfect….on the first try. But then I realized, it’s NOT the first try! Cuz there was Andrea. And Amy. And one or two others that I emailed with a few times. So. I guess AJ’s not the first, first. But still. Things that are this good just make me a little bit paranoid. *sigh* Issues, much? Sometimes I’ll just sit there and stare at her and wonder exactly whose life I’m living, cuz it just doesn’t seem real, doesn’t seem like mine. Like. I know, I know, I know that ‘looks’ are important, but they’re certainly not what I would base a relationship on…just kind of a perk…and it’s just…amazing to me that she has such a wonderful personality and sense of humour AND sort of “fits” in the “my type” category as well. (Tho. I only discovered “my type” after looking back and realizing that, apparently, most of the women that I really kind of ‘fell’ for (or, the ones that I was always drawn to, I guess) were redheads with non-brown eyes. (Nothing against brown eyes, perse. I’m just totally intrigued by eyes that…aren’t…brown! And. Blue eyes? Eheh. Captivate me every time….) So. It’s just….amazingunbelievable that I found this girl woman who matches so well mind-wise, and is also kind of my perfect idea of beautiful! I mean. I honestly think I would love her just as much if she had brown eyes and brown hair, but. *grin* Well, I guess she *does* have brown hair, but it’s always faux-red nowadays, so. That counts 🙂 *sigh* Can we say smitten??? lol. But enjoying it.

Uh. Was I actually headed somewhere with that conversation? Or monologue, such as it is….? *shrugs* When in doubt, post pictures! lol….

Hello, you! mmm. I love this picture. Lots!

hehe. Z’s current “thing” is tongues. He’s always walking around with his tongue sticking out between his lips and he’s always pointing and trying to see other peoples’ tongues. 🙂 It’s his latest discovery. Anyways. So. It about melted my heart when, after I had changed his diaper and he wasn’t happy about it, AJ was trying to amuse/distract him and was kneeling over him sticking her tongue out, and letting him point and poke *her* tongue! I mean. C’mon…And later, I was trying to explain to her how wonderful I thought it was that she loved kids so much, and that I didn’t have all that many friends who were as kid-crazy as I was, and she wanted me to explain how she was, ya know, how she showed that she adored kids. And. I dunno, it’s not *everyone* who will let a baby poke and prod at their tongue! Is it?! I mean, yeah, I let him poke mine, or try to, but…he’s also MY nephew! Not just some random baby who’s not related to me! lol. So. I thought it was just adorable. I’m weird like that. Apparently. I also just love how babies can be so captivated by things…how they just stare and reach for things, so entranced and focused.

A little trepidation regarding blowing out of candles. We helped. 🙂 (at the moment, he was staring at AJ who had a camera in her hand, too)

mmmmmmmmm CAKE! Mooooshy! lol. I’m not sure why or what possessed my sister to HOLD him with the cake, instead of just putting him in his highchair and letting him go to town with it there….but, needless to say, he thouroughly chocolate-ed her shirt and hair. *grin* And she was like “oooooh geeeeze Z!!! You’re making a MESS of me!!” but she was loving EVERY minute of it. hehe. Unlike her anal-retentive husband who could barely stay in the room and keep his mouth shut as he watched bits of cake fly to the floor…*rolls eyes* He’s one of those people who is like “Why do babies have to be messy? They don’t HAVE to be. MY baby won’t be messy. I will TEACH my baby to be neat and clean at all times…” Right. What the hell’s the point of childhood if you can’t get mud in your hair and grass stains on all of your good sunday clothes? I mean, seriously! He’s a baby. Clothes can be washed! *sigh* And besides which, they have two dogs. The floor was spotless within about 3 seconds. (Of course. The dogs had bits of chocolate in their fur, but you’ll have that sometimes. *grin*)

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H, Would you like to come in earlier on Tuesday? I could do a 12:15 if you wanted to get to Erie earlier — or for any other reason! Of course, 3’s fine too. Hugs, Jeanne

I’ve just been catching up on your latest entries to see what’s new with you. 🙂 Couldn’t access your diary for a while, but I’m glad to read about AJ! She’s cute as can be! And she sounds nice. I’m so happy for you! 🙂 Sorry this is kind of a random note, but I like to keep up when I can! 🙂 Hope you’re well, all the best to you!

My brown eyes and I are happy for you. It’s time you were in a “good” relationship-thingy (whatever you decide to call it) because you’re due. =o) Oh, and if it were *my* place, I’d tell CHKW that I’d appreciate her putting back every magnet and picture exactly where she found it. I’m sure her home is lovely, but I keep mine the way I do for a reason.

So perfect about seeing the shooting star together;) Sounds like a wonderful time you two shared! Lol though, b/c that’s the same thing my mom said ‘that wouldn’t be the life I’d choose for my children, it’s such a difficult one’… We have the same mom!?!

Geez… her husband sounds like Jon!! He wouldn’t stand for anyone just “dropping” by when the kids were babies because there was usually some random bit of evidence laying about… you know–like some blocks & a stuffed animal or some big chunky baby trucks or whatEVER in the living room. I was always like… “hey, we DO HAVE children for gods sake.” Geesh.. anal people!! Grrr… 😉

& I think it’s sweet… AJ & Baby Z. 🙂 Cute, cute, cute…

August 15, 2005

im surprised the housekeeper didnt rearrange all the furniture, too!!! growlssssss love the pics too.

…aww… re: your (shhh) libido. Go ahead–get embarassed & blush. (but not ashamed!! 🙂 It’s a good, good thing. It is!! (((hugs))) & yeah. Lorraine. Hmmm, I don’t know… I tend to think she’d be fine with running into each other. & it’s not like we probably will in all reality as Jon & I have sort of fallen out of THAT crowd anyway as he doesn’t work at the Iron Plant anymore.

…so yeah. I dunno. *shrugs* It’s certainly not an immediate concern anyway since my current health insurance will only pay for psych shit if I’m oh… you know–institutionalized or… well they WILL pay for hospitalization & counseling IF I have a drug or alcohol problem. (???? stupid damn insurance) So anyway. First things first I need to get more regular w/ my exercise. I KNOW that helps

THEN I need to really quit messing with my meds without having a doc sort of/kind of touching base w/ me at least periodically. *stupid grin* The thing is… things with Jon are “ok” now–but I’m wary as we’ve seemed to fall into this pattern. “Ok” (usually because we have some huge melt-down type thing like we did Monday which=a HUGE sense of release for ME) then slowly things are “not so ok”

then “really, really NOT OK,” then… “SO not ok that I start to feel really angry all the time” then “so not ok that I get really f-ing depressed” then… on & on until we wind up doing that things are falling apart (at least for me cuz he’s usually pretty clueless that I’m THAT unhappy except for the fact that he sees me as being bitchy & irritable & impossible to please etc.) and then the

RELEASE of saying, “I’m not HAPPY!!” & then “ok again” … & so on. Y’know? Hmmm, today seems to be sorta like “chat” only “not” via notes on OD!! 😉 Have a good day, Holly. xxoo,

(oh & my whole “kinda/sorta point with things being ok with Jon is… that seems to have a huge bearing on how “ok” I am. Logically I can say it shouldn’t–but it does. …or maybe “logically” has nothing to do with it. …the health of my marriage & how I relate with someone who is NORMALLY my best friend & lover… well when things start to get icky we usually let it get outta hand cuz we

wind up letting the angry stuff fester, which breeds the discontent, which breeds the contempt which makes each of us MORE angry & more fester-y 🙂 &… so forth) ANYway. 🙂

August 16, 2005

That is one adorable baby. Oh my. Re: Oh, trust me, I’ve been guilty of skimming entries before. Actually, when I’m doing the “random” thing, I read a few lines and usually can get a feel for whether I want to continue reading or not. But when I do that, I don’t leave bullshit notes, I just move on. 😉