Samaritans, good. **Edit**

I dunno how I did on the exam. Some stuff was cake. Other stuff was…not. *sigh* But, I did get all three of the drug calculations correct (I handed in my exam and Joyce checked the back, as she always does, to make sure we wrote our calculation answers on the scantron sheet. And she was like “You did all of your math correctly…”) So that was good. Seeing as the one problem took me a good 15 minutes to figure out! Cuz I kept plugging in the wrong numbers. Cuz, unlike algebra where you don’t really *know* if you’re right or wrong, with the drug calculations, you can kind of look at the answer you got and see if it was logical. Mine wasn’t, so I kept working at it. They always put extra info in the questions and it confuses me.

All of Joyce’s questions were ok, tho I know I missed some. But *all* of them were things that I ‘knew’ but couldn’t remember. Like, I could narrow it down to two choices and just couldn’t remember which it was.

Deb’s questions on the other hand….hell, some of them contained words that I don’t remember ever HEARING in my whole LIFE. eheh. So. Oh well. I dunno if I passed it. You can only miss 8 and still pass it. (8 out of 40). So.

Lah. Assuming I got an 80 on this exam, it means I have to pass the final in order to pass the class. I don’t *think* that I missed 8 questions. Getting all of the calcs is definately a good thing, cuz I usually don’t. So. I *think* that the final is 50 points. Meaning I need to get at least a 40/50. (to get an 80%) So. Still assuming that I passed this exam and missed less than 8…and that the final is worth 50 and not 40….I can miss maybe 10-12 on the final and still be ok. heh. I can do that. Right? *UGH*

Hmm. But I just checked the grades on Bb, and according to that, this exam was worth 50pts. Which, it wasn’t. There were only 40 questions. So. Hrm. So it *says* the final is out of 50, but I guess I can’t be sure…? And I can’t find my damn paper breakdown that they gave us at the start of the semester, hrmph. Oh well. Joyce said she’d aim to have the exam scores posted tomorrow morning. MAYBE tonite, but to not count on it. *stress ulcers begin foaming* heh. :p

Of course, she ALSO promised us that we would have a chance to go over THIS exam with her, right after we took it. But before the test she was like “I have some bad news…” She couldn’t go over it with us because someone wasn’t taking it then, they were taking it LATER. So. The whole class gets screwed cuz of one person. grrrr. Oh well. It’s not too likely that any of the same questions will end up on the Final, but still. It’d be nice to *know* what we were lacking….*sigh*

I need to get a shower. And STUDY. I’m scheduled to work this weekend OF COURSE. Saturday. And I’m contemplating calling off. But with my recent skirmish with the DON, and with the fact that I haven’t worked at ALL in this pay period, meaning NO paycheck….I can’t really afford to call off. But. I also can’t necessarily afford to lose all of that study time. And, I suspect we’re already going to be short for that nite, since one of the RN’s scheduled was, last I knew, on a LOA. Leaving only four. And the only one who would prolly could and would switch with me, is already scheduled. UGH UGH.

Prioritize. Study and have a better chance at passing. Go to work and making what, $60? But. That’s enough to cover phone, electric and gas (for the car, not gas for the apt. Thankfully I am getting some assistance for help with that…)

I just…I want the luxury of honestly having the choice of calling off. And. I really don’t. It’s an option, sure. But not one that I can choose.


So. I picked up some random guy off the road yesterday. It was pretty ironic, given that we were discussing the bystander effect and when and why people stop to help in class yesterday.

I was on my way home from class and saw a car pulling over to the side of the road with his blinkers on. Of course, I was on the windy curvy road with cars behind me so I couldn’t just pull over. Not to mention, I didn’t know if he was just pulling over or what…it almost looked like he was talking on a cell phone. So I drove a bit and thought that I’d just turn around when I had an opportunity and see if he needed help. Of course, I do that and he’s not there anymore. So I drive another while to find somewhere to turn *back* around to go home. And pass him again, further up the road.
heh. Except this time he was standing outside of his car. But he was also in front of a brightly christmas-lit house, so I was thinking…hmmm, maybe he’s just waiting for the tow truck. *shrugs* But of course, because of what we talked about in class (and cuz my car broke down this time last year and I know what it’s like to be stranded on a hillside in the freezing cold…) I had to find out if he still needed help, or if it was taken care of. So. I turned around -again- and pulled off across from him and asked if he needed help. Long story short (ha), he did. And we ended up unloading his car (cuz of course he had a car full of groceries and a trunk full of beer/wine coolers…..) and putting it all in my car. And I drove him to the tow truck place (he had used my cell phone to call his wife-person, and she had called the garage, so they were waiting for him to drop off his keys) Of course, he couldn’t find his keys then, and thought he must’ve left them in the car.
But they can tow it without the keys, so. *shrugs* So I drove him home and helped him unload his stuff, etc etc. He gave me a bag of various teas. 🙂 So. Yay for being a good samaritan type person. (lol, although the car ride to his house was extremely uncomfortable for me, seeing as 1. he was a member of a gender that I’m not very fond of or comfortable with 2. he had a lot of alcohol in the trunk, another thing I’m not fond or comfortable with 3. he chattered non-stop. I’m…not a chatterer, to say the least. Not to mention, his first question was “do you have a boyfriend? live alone…?”
heh. fun times.
But, I was glad I could help, repay some of the good karma that helped me out with car issues.
But it really was ironic, given what we were discussing in class!!

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oh, that IS ironic. cool, though, too. you rawk.