row by row

I’m sitting in my new space (I find it difficult to call it an apartment, but I suppose it *is* an apartment?) and although I’m certainly not moved in, I have made progress. 99% of my books are here and on shelves (hehe. Stacked and messy and driving my OCD tendencies to distraction….) and the bed is put together, sans mattresses.

Getting all of my furniture to fit is a puzzle, but each time I move something in, I feel like I have another piece snapped in place. At least, temporarily 🙂

I got quite a bit done last nite, as far as unpacking boxes and such (and putting the bed together), with a bit of a break to pat M’s back while she yarfed. Man, she’s a champion. Now I know where her kids get it from!!!

I need to burn some cd’s, and then go to an inservice for work. And then to wally world. And then watch M’s kids for a bit, then L might help me move some big furniture over. Tho, at the moment, I have no big furniture ready to be moved. So I best get going….

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June 11, 2007

yay for new places. xoxo *~

I would have most likely put the mattress on the floor and never gotten around to assembling the bed. I’m weird like that.

RYN: We have Denny’s, Perkins, and Bob Evans, but not the others you mentioned. Bob Evans actually started out in Ohio. When I was little my parents took me to his farm. Weird as it sounds, his brother, Dan who now runs the franchise, has a farm about fifteen mins from me. He has abstract iron sculptures of horses in the pasture, and even though I know they’re there and fake, I still think they are real everytime I see them. I’m sorry to hear about your scrapes, bruises, and fingernails. One of my other favorites, 7pc, just moved to Georgia, and she’s battered and bruised as well. I guess I never realized how rough moving could be on a person’s body. *doubles your hugs*

June 11, 2007

ryn: perhaps… xox *~

June 11, 2007

JRB’s very nice, a BIT arrogant and oppinionated but nice nonetheless.

June 11, 2007

Moving sucks… but good you’re getting through it.