rock for choice

Oi vey!!! I’ve been cleaning for 6 hours. (And you can’t really tell, exect for the kitchen counters, lol!!!)

For some reason I decided to rearrange, sort, sift, pitch, etc. Spring cleaning, p’raps??? Seriously. Redid all three of my bookshelves. Put the nursing books where I won’t have to stare at them all of the time. Brought all the poetry books upstairs, since I always find myself clumping down to the foyer at 4am in order to find the exact quote or poem that I’m thinking about, hehe. Also moved my Calvin & Hobbes collection upstairs, just cuz they fit better on the other bookshelf.

So. Upstairs on the tall shelves are journals, small dictionaries, thesaureses, creativing writing & poetry texts/ tobecoes, huge dictionary (my favourite book that I own :), creative writing & poetry folders & manuscripts/ women’s lit texts, psychology texts & notebooks & folders/ calvin & hobbes collection, feminist-y books (Uppity Women in History, the Clitoral Truth, etc), kidlike books (aesop’s fables, just so stories, etc)/ yearbook, bibles (yes, I have more than one. :op), random stuff.

Then the other shelf in my room has all the nursing and A&P stuff.

Then downstairs has paperback novels/ hardback novels/ Xanth series & all my plays and play collections. (lol, the bottom shelf is actually two rows, one on top of another, cuz I have a zillion plays. Yay for theatre majors 🙂

Yeah, I basically never sold back most of my text books. Except like, math, bio, and ones that I really didn’t like. Otherwise, I still have mostly all of them from my first degree and all my nursing ones. I could prolly get a few hundred for the nursing shite (since they cost me more than $1000 for all of them), but for some reason I hold on to them. *shrugs* They might come in useful one day. I don’t really want to go back to nursing school, but one day I might change my mind? heh.

The psych books I am always referencing. Or at least, I was when I was in nursing. Tho, I really do still use them, just when I want to look up odd things or people or whatnot. That should tell me something, lol…

Anyways. I actually did the bookshelves yesterday or whatever. Today I pulled all of the random paper out from the desk shelves and such and sorted thru it. Emptied and sorted the little 4 drawer cart next to my desk. My bedroom floor is a hurricane of miscellaneous papers still. And the top of my desk is a million things that need “looked at”, heh.

Then I went and pulled all of the loose boxes out of the closet in the living room and consolidated them. Sifted thru some of the random junk that had found its way in there over the months. The living room floor isn’t too horrible, as most of the random stuff found its way to the bedroom already, hehe.

Ugh. All of this has to be tidied by 11am tomorrow, when the lady from Big Brothers Big Sisters comes for the home visit!!! Ack.

Right now tho, I’m gonna leave the bulk of the mess and go try to up the CatPanArea. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck. When I moved the little mat that sits in front of the boxes, I discovered that they’d been peeing on it!!!!! Silly creatures. *sigh* My fault, I s’pose, for not keeping the pans clean enough. So. I need to suck up all the spilled litter and then try to see if I can clean the carpet. Hopefully my vacuum cleaner works. I haven’t tried it since the sucking up of the shirt debacle. (AJ took the machine apart while I was at work before we went to NYC, and I haven’t tried to use it since, heh.)

The good news is, that if it IS broken, I went shopping with M last nite and I got some groceries for her and she got some things that my foodstamps don’t pay for, for me. I dunno if that’s technically legal, but I *do* eat at her house sometimes, and it’s not like I just *gave* her the food. We bartered! And I got the food that *I* needed as well. But anyways. What that means is that I still have the rebate from H&R Block. Vacuums can’t be too horribly more expensive than that, can they?? I dunno. But if it ends up that I *do* have to get another one, I am NOT getting the cheapest, which is what I did for this one. (hehe. Actually, I think it was the second cheapest cuz 1. it was on sale and 2. the colour matched my bedspread, lol) Cuz it’s NEVER been a very effective vacuum. Especially with the cat hair. heh. lah.

And I *HAVE* resisted playing The Sims all day. I did play for an hour this morning. Oh, good news is that I figured out how to transfer my saved game from the laptop to my desktop, since I need to eventually get my laptop back to AJ when I see her again!! I meant to last weekend, but I forgot and left her whole pile of stuff by the door. heh. heh. Journey was sleeping on top of it when I came home. *rolls eyes* They like the bag it’s in. So, yay.

Hah. My Sims got a call from the adoption agency and so they adopted a baby. But Social Services came and took her away cuz she was being neglected!! (cuz I couldn’t figure out how to stop her from crying so much. hrmph.) Oh well. I just didn’t save after that, so when I played again, it went back to before they ever adopted her. So.

Ok. 8pm. 2 hours til I need to get ready for work. Then 3 hours in the morning til the lady gets here. AAACK!!! Need to get a move on. lah.

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June 10, 2006

In the first Sims, to make the baby stop crying, you have to feed, sing, feed, sing, feed (or whatever sing might be…it might be cuddle or something similar…NOT play) until it falls back asleep. Just keep re-doing it until the baby falls asleep. Playing (if that’s an option) doesn’t do much except increase grown-up Sims fun.