Ring already!

So yes, I’ve been waiting for my phone to ring for a few hours now.  But let’s back up.

I actually got up early(ish) today to work at John’s shop. Only one customer came in, in the 3 hours I was there, which is 1 more than has been in in 2 days, so yay me. I sold a bracelet that didn’t have a pricetag on it for $8. Turns out it was supposed to be $25. *rolls eyes* Not my fault things aren’t marked. And the bracelet next to it was higher quality and only marked $12, so I thought I was doing good! Oopsie.

While I was watching the shop,

(Ok, I’m continuing 45 minutes later, cuz the phone call finally came…)

but while I was watching the shop, La texted me asking if I knew any place that would have a desk for cheap for her bedroom which she wants to convert part of in to an office. I told her I’d look after I was done working. So I went to the FH…nothing for cheap there. Tried Goodwill…definitely for cheap there, but not what she was looking for. Went to a used furniture place but they had no desks. Went to a consignment place, they had several for cheapish, but not as cheap as she wanted. I was sending her pics and texts as I went along, but she was at work so couldn’t answer, but she finally called as I was on my way from the consignment place to the last option, an antique mall. Said she liked one of the ones at the consignment place, but not for the price. I said I’d go back and see if they’d lower it any. Nothing at the antique mall, and the lady at the consignment shop said she’d lower the price, so long story short, I ended up getting that one. But it wasn’t going to fit in my car, so I had to come back to town, borrow John’s car and then return it to him because we had already agreed that he could borrow *my* car tonite since he and his wife had separate errands to run. LOL. So I got his car, went back to the consignment place, for the 3rd or 4th time and was back way earlier than she expected (and earlier than I expected, but it was one of those "gotta do it now or it won’t work!" situations) so she had to empty it real quick. Anyways. Got it in John’s car, returned his car, left him my car and walked home.

During our desk-searching convo, La said she’d call me later tonite because she had a sort of phone interview scheduled and she was gonna call and let me know how it went. Which is the phone call I’d been waiting for. After the car swappage and all the running around, I came home and watched Asylum and then joined a few online dating sites. Wow, doing that is really sort of strange, ya know? Trying to fit yourself in all kinds of little boxes. Half the time there aren’t enough choices and the other half there’re too many! Trying to be witty without being fake, trying to explain everything you want in 3,000 characters or less. This is what I came up with….

"Creating a dating profile does strange things to one’s psyche, I find. It’s quite the challenge, trying to fit oneself into these little white boxes. Trying to be honest without being misunderstood. Trying to be witty and charming without giving a false impression of your actual level of wit and charm. Trying to share your soul in 3,000 characters or less…oi, the things we go through to find a ‘perfect’ match! So, about me– My top interests are photography, running and animals. I have a job, but not a career. I love my friends and would do anything for them, and I’m way too loyal for my own good. I’m looking for someone with common interests, obviously, but also someone who has interests which balance out mine. I’d eventually like a long term relationship but for now Just Friends is just fine."

Which now sounds lame and pathetic, lol. Oh well…..

Sooooo. After 45 minutes on the phone, I have an assignment from La to write down what my main goal in life is other than just getting through it. We were discussing the possible job op and she, like Tiger, insists I’m an idiot for not jumping all over it (Both put it much nicer, of course. But that’s the basic gist of it!) And I know I am. I just fear change. What if I fail? What if I’m actually no good at it? What if, what if… La had a good point tho…I have (she thinks) 6 months to change my mind and get rehired at the caf without much fuss. Or, you stay in the system for 6 months. So. That’s a long grace period. Maybe I’ll call the guy back on Monday and let them know that I’m open to working full time 3-11 shift. AAAAHHHHH, scary! Gotta put on my big girl pants someday, I guess. Ain’t nuthin’ gonna change if I stay where I am…..

So now…off to write out my goals….

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CALL!! YES! 🙂 I’m glad I’ve got some backup support there or that you have a couple of cheerleaders telling you Go!! & she knows those other things I don’t so yes! Now def Yes! Also dating sites yes. I have so many yes! wants for you. (((strong hugs))) <–didja FEEL it? It was squeezy. 😀

January 20, 2013

Ryn: made me blush, big time. (Thank you…you’re too sweet.) Did it ring? *~