Righteous Babe

lah lah lah. Another understaffed night at work. And unlike the nite before, when there were 17 kids on the c/a unit, last nite there were 21. They had 5 admissions on 3-11. (some discharges also, of course) Am I bitter? Yes. Did I still offer to stay over for an hour this morning to help with understaffed 7-3 shift. Yes. *rolls eyes* I guess cuz ultimately, the only people hurt by me not staying is coworkers that I actually like. So. *shrugs* I only stayed for an extra hour. A replacement should’ve gotten there about a half hour after I left, cuz the arm’s length 1:1 on the adult side was to leave at 9am. She was going to State. And NOT happy about it. And has been trying her damndest to injure/kill herself all week. lah. Whatever….

I also got my schedule for next month, and put in my schedule requests that I need d/t skewl and such. And my CPR card was there. Donna’s awesome. She got me 10 days on the schedule (Which is alot, considering I’ve been having 4 and 6 and such.) AND I don’t work the nite of the wedding that AJ invited me too! *yay!!*

Speaking of AJ. She sent me pics from last weekend. 🙂

This is from the weekend, but it’s not the best representation of her. *grin* She’s much cuter.

This one shows her a bit better, tho her hair is shorter now. yummy hair. lol.

Her friend Amanda snuck up behind me and put Jen’s Authentic Alaskan Moose Hat on me. And AJ happened to have her camera out and got a picture of it before I got it off of my head. pltzzzzz

The setting up of the tent! Not that you can really see either of us. But it gives a better idea of part of the yard.

Wee. I will be sure to get more pics of her (and of US when I go up this weekend woohoo!! Not that I can afford the gas, or to drink. But I don’t plan on drinking much anyways and may offer to be a DD. Even tho I’d prolly get us more lost than someone who was drinking would, lol! But at least we’d be lost in one piece, and not lost splattered all over the highway. So.

I have a dr’s appt in a half an hour. The plan was to go to work, go to wally world, go to the pet store, drop everything off at home, and then go to the dr. My plans don’t always work out. eheh. le’sigh. I desperately need to do laundry today. Or buy new shorts. lol.

I got a lovely letter from Em yesterday and it made me smile. She’s wonderful.

I think I keep posting snippets of these emails cuz I can’t really believe they’re true. So if they’re here, I can keep coming back and reading them. And eventually believe them….eheh. There’s a song that this reminds me of. Hmmm. Maybe I’ll think of it eventually….

um, so, yeah. sorry if you don’t like being in the middle of the room, so to speak, but in this case you are the only person in the room. even if I had other options now, I wouldn’t be pursuing them because I like you. a lot. so, I was saying to jen and missy that “I might have a girlfriend!” which would be fine in my book. it’s also a little easier to say than “a-friend-who-is-a-girl-who-I-am-interested-in-in-a-romantic-kind-of-way-and-hope-that-she-likes-me-the-same-way.” less cumbersome. so, I guess however you want to describe me to other people is fine. just let me know, ok? haha.

Oh yes….
…the dawn is breaking, a light shining thru. you’re barely waking and I’m tangled up in you. well I’m open, you’re closed. where I follow you’ll go. I worry I won’t see your face light up again. Even the best fall down sometime. even the wrong words seem to rhyme. out of the doubt that fills my mind, I somehow find you and I collide. I’m quiet you know. you make a first impression. well I’ve found I’m scared to know I’m always on your mind. even the best fall down sometime. even the stars refuse to shine. out of the back you fall in time. i somehow find you and i collide. don’t stop here. i lost my place. i’m close behind. do doot doot do do doot doot do…even the best fall down sometime. even the wrong words seem to rhyme. out of the doubt that fills your mind, you finally find you and I collide. finally find you and I collide.you finally find you and I collide…
Collide, Howie Day-

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Oh my!! Looks like I have some catching up to do!!! ((((hugs hugs hugs))))

July 14, 2005

Ok, I know what I want my parents to bring me back from their Alaskan Cruise, an Authentic Alaskan Moose Hat!!!!! Glad to read this are going well.

I’m very happy for you. =o)

Woo hoo! Hugs, Jeanne

RYN: Me a saint? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I do try to be Superman. I fail at that more often than not. RYN2: It’s weird but I didn’t know Speed Racer till I was an adult. I basically just like the song. I think the anime I watched when I was little was G-Force. Do you know/remember that one?

July 15, 2005

: )

ryn: Heheh. Didn’t you know? She’s a righteous babe. 😉