
I didn’t notice the irony until a few minutes ago. I just got home from therapy and today J made mention of reverberations- how most things things that I encounter tend to reverberate across my life. I agree. And I was looking up the exact meaning of reverberate, cuz I do things like that, and one definition is “echo”. Which is, obviously, my ‘name’. heh. I just thought that was interesting.

Jay just told me he wants to draw me sometime. He’s an art major. heh. Fun.

Therapy was good. I feel better about some things, muchly, so that’s good.

Reverberations. The death of Jen’s mum. Echoing back to me the many conversations my mother has as of late about death and dying and not wanting to live much longer.

For some reason, I want to go read The Butterfly Who Stamped…is that an Aesop fable? Or a Just So Story by Rudyard Kipling? Eh. Either way. I have both. 🙂

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February 21, 2006

That’s funny about your name. 🙂

I was walking to my office today and saw a Toyota Echo and thought of you (speaking of reverberations). Glad you feel muchly better! Hugs, J