
Fred Phelps makes me sick.
He and his WBC inbred family members were planning on picketing at as many of the VT funerals as they could. Their ‘justification’ being that since college teaches religiouslessness and things other than their idea of god, etc, that the students and teachers deserved to be shot dead.

I want there to be a God. And when FP gets to heaven, demanding entrance, I want that god to roll his eyes, raise an eyebrow and tell the gate messenger “you’ve GOT to be kidding me, right? April Fool’s? Candid Camera? Another payback for turning everyone’s wine in to kool-aid at last year’s office party??”

And then I want that messenger to go back to old Freddie, give him the news that God things he’s a decapitated worm in a month old piece of shit, and boot his ass on down to Hell.

And some may say to me “Oh, but that’s just as bad as what Fred does! Condemning people he things are in the wrong…so does that mean every gay person deserves to go to hell too, cuz so many think *that’s* wrong!”

Perhaps God doesn’t condone homosexuality. But last I heard, homos weren’t picketing at funerals, weren’t latching on to every tragedy and twisting it in to justification for why they’re right and the rest of the world is wrong.

It’s one thing to be passionate about what you believe in. It’s another thing altogether to further victimize the survivors of a tragedy. Write a fucking article in the newspaper, take out a billboard. But don’t physically invade a person’s grief. I mean, geezum, have some TACT. Have some manners. Have some common sense.

Thankfully, FP has stood down on this one– someone offered him 3 hours of radio time if exchange for him going to the funerals. Fine, whatever…spout to your heart’s content. We don’t have to listen.

In other news, I agreed to work a half a shift tonite cuz someone called off and the census is up to about 52. Wee.

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April 22, 2007

Oh my goodness. Some people take religion to a level which is crazy.

Some people aren’t content with the amount of grief we currently suffer and insist on creating more. =o(