
Mother’s Day quizzer
1. What’s your mom’s name?

2. How old is she?
67 in November

3. Do you know her birth date?
yeah, november 8th, 1940

4. What does she do for a living?
she’s a social worker/ drug & alcohol counselor at a state prison

5. Has she always had that job?
uh..kind of a dumb question. But…no. Before that she worked in a hospital for geriatric psych patients, I think. And before that she did home-studies (went to people’s houses to see if they were fit for foster kids/adoption) before that she went back to school for her master’s degree. before that she did crafts and stuff on consignment. dunno what she did before that.

6. Is she married? If so, to your father?
No, so no.

7. Does your dad get your mom mother’s day gifts?
that would be a negative

8. Does your mom have any other kids?
yeah. She and elmer (‘dad’) had one kid and then she (or they, I guess) adopted 5 more.

9. Are you her favorite?
I think she prolly loves us all in different ways. (honestly, from the way she talks tho, patrick is her little golden boy. which makes me throw up a little in my mouth)

10. Do you get along with your mom?
not as good as when i was a kid, but better than i used to. well, i guess we never *didn’t* get along. just kinda didn’t communicate at all.

11. what’s your favorite memory of your mom?
snuggling up with her on the front porch swing under an afghan, watching the rain pour down and listening to her sing to me. she was *always* singing, always. She still does. Makes up songs while she does everything!

12. Whan’s the last time you saw her?
uhm….actually just a few weeks ago. mid-april, when I went to see H’s baby, she was there

13. Do you get along with your mom better than your siblings do?
that’s probably a no. On account of the fact that I continually do things that don’t make sense to her. (staying in this town, working a bunch of jobs instead of one ultra high paying job, being gay…heh.) Then again, I guess all of us are continually doing things that don’t make sense to her, so.

14. Whats something that annoys you about your mom?
hmmm…she is *always* talking with her mouth full, which is an irk of mine no matter WHO is doing it. And lately (as in the past 2…3…5 years) too many of our conversations have to do with death, specifically hers. I guess that worries me more than annoys me. Also, she doesn’t always remember that I’m an *adult* now!!

15. What’s the funniest thing abouther?
the constant singing is kind of funny. And the fact that still grocery shops as if she was planning on feeding 8 people instead of just the one who lives in her house.

16. Do you think your mom loves you?
I know she does.

17. Is your mom supportive of you?
I used to think no. But as I get older, I realize she is supportive. Just in her own way.

19. What’s the weirdist thing about her?
heh. The funny things are kinda weird. Uhm…I dunno. Is keeping medicine from 1965 *weird*? The woman is a packrat (that’s where I get it from, I guess!!!)

20. What color are her eyes?

21. Is she an only child?
no. 2 crazy sisters. (my siblings and I always come away from visits with our aunts and are glad we got the sane one. Although our cousins got better dads than us, so.)

22. Is she a grandma?
yes, actually she’s a great-grandma!

23. Do you look more like your mother or your father?
well, considering I’m adopted…I kinda look like neither! (hell, I don’t even look like my birth-mother either tho. heh.)

24.Do you know where your mom went to school?
Well, she went to grade school and high school in bloomsburg, I am pretty sure. College…ya know, I’m not sure where she got her bachelor’s from. But she got her master’s from Pitt.

25. What’s the greatest thing about your mom?
She’s an amazing woman who raised a whole schlew of kids with not a whole schlew of money, but looking back I know i never went without, even when she did. We (or I, at least) always had everything I needed and more. She was mom -and- dad to me and she instilled a good set of values/morals in me

26. What did you get your mom for mother’s day last year?
Hmm. I think a picture in a frame, of my sister, nephew and I? But maybe that was the year before. Oh!! A willow tree wall plaque, I remember now!

27. What are you getting for your mom for mother’s day this year?
I’m writing her a long letter, listing all the ways I appreciate her and reasons why I love her and stuff.

28.Does your mom have a myspace?
lol, no. She just barely uses email.

29. do you have any “second mothers”?
Well, I have a birth mother. Dunno if she’d count as the first mother or the…second? lol. But, yeah, I have other people in my life who are a bit like second mothers sometimes. M and L. Elisabeth. My sister, cuz she had a huge part in raising me. I tend to seek out the maternal types.

30. If you could trade mothers with ANYONE, living or dead, would you?
nah. I have enough mom-surrogates that when I get ticked off with my own, I can run to another 😉

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Aww. This was sweet. I’m stealing it. I’m a terrible quiz thief, as you already know.

This was really nice. I love all the Willow Tree stuff. Susan Lordi rocks! =)

May 10, 2007

I may have to steal this as well… Thanks for sharing it with us…it was nice to get to know your mom (and you) a little bit more… take care…