
mmm….Went to the festivities last nite with M and kids, had a lovely time. Then was getting milk to take back to M’s house, and ran in to a kid I work with, who invited me to a party going on less than a block away. I was torn!! But M wasn’t waiting on the milk, so I decided to stop by and say Hi at least, since I’m often trying to get a chance to hang out with the gang from work. So I ran over and had a beer and watched a game of beer pong (lol! Looks fun, actually!!), and then ran back to M’s. The kids weren’t even in bed yet, so I didn’t feel bad.

Then, once the kids *were* in bed, we broke out the champagne….YUM. I had already chugged a beer (ew!) at the other party, so it took about a half a glass to get myself a lovely buzz. We watched some tv….L&O and Studio 60. And then went to bed. I slept over so I could help out with the kids this morning so she could sleep in. And soon we’re going back over. It’s Crafters Day. WoOt. As if I have money to spend. Eesh.

I got my bearded!!! I took DB with me and she helped me pcik her out. She’slovely, if I do say so myself. I have a bunch of pictures from a bunch of things that I need to post soon. But right now I should get ready.

I am nervous to hear about the car. But I feel much better after just chillin’ last nite.

And tomorrow I’m going to be ‘marching’ in the homecoming parade, double wOoT! With my Little. 🙂 So. Fun, fun. I am scheduled to work tonite, boo. But I’m gonna hang out with M & co for part of the day, then go home and set up the tank for YTBNB (Yet to be named beardie), then maybe nap a bit, and then go to work. M’s letting me borrow her car til mine is fixed, cuz she’s awesome and a saint.


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🙂 on chillin’… …wish I could have with you both! 🙂 xxoo,