
met with j. took a walk in the rain with her. wasn’t able to talk nearly as much as i’d hoped cuz i’m…me. cuz i’m me. but whatever.

she had a mtg at 2, so we ended our walk at MC and i kept walking for probably another 40 minutes or so. it was pouring down rain. and lovely.

was gonna stop at the dr and see about meds, but i didn’t. went to the FH instead.

hung out at the FH for a little while, chatting.

came home and got my mail and found that a picture i’d entered at picture.com is apparently being advanced to the final round. which. is interesting. you’d think they’d notify you about semi-finals. actually, you think you’d’ve had to have won the monthly contest before getting advanced to finals. but whatever. still kewl that one of my pics is getting *published* And, if i want to shell out 60 bucks, i can even get a copy of the book it’s being published in! heh. seems kind of like the “who’s who” dealio from HS.

i’m gonna be late to meet my little. lah. dunno what we’ll do. library, i guess, since it’s still raining.

here’s the pic i entered (tho i entered it sans watermark)

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August 10, 2007

Your pictures are so beautiful. You’re so talented!