progresso. more than just a soup.

Heh. Someone just got pulled over in to the parking lot under my window. Stinks to be them. Well. It only took me like, 3 hours. But I am up to almost 900 words. WoOt.

Back to work in the morning, so I should probably hit the hay soon. My story is mostly dialogue right now cuz…just cuz! It’s not even really a story. Just people babbling. But. Just ignore the suckyness and keep writing is what they say to do, so. Gotta catch up! I’m thousands of words behind!! But, I can write during school, so that’s good.

Pissed at my internet provider. They changed servers or whatnot. And since doing so, my connection has been slower (I’m one of about 20, they say, who has been effected negatively…) and NOW all the pics I have stored on my site…are represented by little red x’s because in order for them to be visible, I’d have to go thru and change the url for all of them. Fuck that. :op I so want to sign up for DSL, but they want a year or two contract and I dunno if/when I’ll be moving etc. UGH.

Also was thinking about getting a new cell phone. I can get one of the new Razr phones for free if I sign up for another 2 years, since my current contract is done. I guess I could, since I don’t think I have to stay in the area to stay with my providor. or er or er. However it’s spelled.

I watched the last episode of Season 2 of Grey’s Anatomy. ARGH!! Now I want to see Season 3, but I caaaan’t! I also watched Torch Song Trilogy which was good, but sad. And last nite I watched The Panic Room which was also very good. Or maybe that’s just cuz Jodie Foster was in it. 🙂

Played Sims Pets for several hours earlier. My cats had kittens and I don’t know how to get rid of them! Ack! heh.

I wish the silly cop would turn his lights off or go away or something. It’s annoying.

I have my laptop back from AJ. I had forgotten how much I loved having a laptop! And, it seems someone nearby has wireless that I can mooch off of, in the living room at least. 🙂 wOoT. Or I could just hook up to dialup too, since I have a phone line in here too. But it’s nice to just mooch.

Wow. I just re-realized…my mum is now 66 years old.



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November 9, 2006

what speed internet connection do you have? they play all of this season’s grey’s on the abc website.

November 9, 2006

Yeah , my BROTHER is almost that old.

I wish *I* had someone to mooch off.

I *hate* those police lights… I always feel like they’re going to put me into some sort of seizure (siezure? that’s one of those exceptions to the i before e rule isn’t it?? 🙂 ANYway… yeah… LOVE YOU!! 😀