
yay đŸ™‚ I don’t really think I’m like her, but she is prolly my fave character in the show.

I’m Eponine!
Spunky, resourceful, and fearless, I don’t take a lot of guff from the world, and sometimes I’m kind of freaky. Secretly, though, I just want to be loved in spite of my attitude and my goofy hat.

Which Les Miserables Character Are You?

I have a headache.

Mum’s doing ok. Good days and bad days. Went and got the staples out today. It was pretty kewl, I didn’t know how they removed them before. But I got to watch him do it, so that was neat.

Then went shopping. Mum bought me a bunch of stuff. Then when we got home, I was helping her change clothes and she was asking how much money I make in a week, so I told her, and she gave me a bunch of 50 dollar bills. Which. She can’t afford to be giving money away. And she told me not to tell my sister, cuz they both said they weren’t gonna give me money cuz…something about me falling on my face where I’m at and not having a job with benefits even with 7 years of schooling, etc. *whatever*

Of course, H gave me money too, so. *rolls eyes* They don’t believe I can make it on my own, but they won’t let me suffer if they can help it. They love me, I know.

Gawd my head hurts. And my back, from doing so much lifting and helping mum with her exercises and stuff. oi.

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Hey, do you have your Masters degree? I just graduated and I find the real world so disconcerting. Hope all is well đŸ™‚

Darling, this is goodbye. Only saying goodbye to my fav of favs, keeping it private, please don’t talk with anyone about what I say to you, but, the “stalker” who obviously hates my guts has taken this from the internet, into real life. He called my home last Friday night and is harrassing me via the internet. Called police, not much more I can do. Might get a lawyer. You know where you can alwaysfind me. Deleting diary in a few minutes, but wanted you to know I love ya, and hope to keep in contact. XOX

August 16, 2006

*hugs and a back rub*

August 16, 2006

Hugs; and I can see Eponine in you, for sure.