poets write poetry. pomes are written by potes!!

I am a Pote! *giggolz*
Ok, ok. Inside joke from GanjaMan’s poetry class. There were people who pronounced the word “poem” as pome rather than po-em. So, generally, Em and Jen and I refer to them as Pomes now. And I decided yesterday that a po-et wouldn’t write pomes. But a Pote would!!!! hehehe.

Lah. Therapy today. No walking, on account of a chilly rain. Which was nice to walk in for a few minutes, on my way there- and bike in when I took a bunch of Allies stuff to campus– but not for extended periods of time, due to the freezing of my phalanges! oi.

We just sorta meandered thru my brain today, I guess. Discussing god (!!) and religion and my relationship w. AJ and…hmmm…what else….she tried to get me to own my…Ok-ness. hehe. Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Maybe later! I dunno….I am trying to just…be ok, and not analyze being ok, cuz that tends to lead to notok. And, of course, I don’t wanna go there. So. wee. Her fish, of course. Fishes? There are 2. And an apparently deceased snail. But reviving plants. And music- symphonies to be exact. lah.

Things with AJ….*sigh* Distance sucks. Working totally incompatible schedules sucks. Hating the phone sucks.

But none of these things means I love her any less. But apparently that’s how I’m translating. Which sucks! hehe. I dunno. I’ve never been so secure in a relationship. Maybe I’m fooling myself, but so be it. I believe she loves me as much as I love her which is….more than I can express in words. More love than I’ve ever had for a grown-up, that’s for sure! At least, of this variety.

Ohlove. *sigh* M…I’m at M’s right now. She’s up putting the kids to bed. She’s having…..issues….with E. Nothing new there. But still. Breaks my heart. Even tho I don’t believe in marriage, I don’t wish for hers to have….issues. I’m glad, at least, that I’m available to help out, at least a bit, for now. Physically *and* emotionally. Not that I’m much help as far as advice goes. Men are assholes and that’s pretty much all I can offer…but I can listen, so at least there’s that. Tho I know she needs more than that. :o/ I’m just no good with relationship schtuff. Mine’s working well (i’m pretty sure?!!!), but it’s also newish and….doesn’t involve boybrains, which I think makes a difference. Not to say lesbian relationships are perfect or even easier compared to hetero relationships…tho I think in some aspects they might be (easier)….just…I dunno. AJ and I have a lot simpler life right now…no kids, no mortgage, etc. Plus, I think I’m the emotional monster in the relationship, which isn’t the case with M & E. And I tend to not take shit out quite as much on other people, it’s usually more inward. I dunno. I wish I knew. Gawd I wish I knew, for all of our sakes!

So. heh. TV. /Homer voice mmmmteeveeeeeee *drools* /end Homer voice. heh. “Whose Line Is It Anyways” —-adict—– hehe. Sooooooo glad I don’t have television, I’d weight like, 900 pounds.

Speaking of pounds, I’m definitely gaining weight. *sigh* It’s the Seroquel, I’m 99% sure. meh. Need to start doing something active. Rode my bike today. Hell, with the cost of gas ($2.99 here), I’m gonna be riding my frikkin’ bike to WORK. (Actually, I wouldn’t have an issue with that, ‘cept for the giant hill, and the fact that it’s a MAJOR highway. eheh. I’m scared to even see people -walking- that hill, I always want to pick them up. But letalone walking it myself.


Even tho it has the guy I find terribly annoying (tho I like the girl now more. But the guy I think is a crappy actor who tries too hard. Criminal Intent. meh. Will & Grace instead.


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*This* boy brain works just fine, thankyouverymuch.