Platoon of Lesbians, eh?

Via G–

Via Think Progress:

Yesterday, during hearings on the State Department’s 2008 budget, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY) slammed the U.S. military’s ban on gay service members, saying the Pentagon “seems more afraid of gay people than they are [of] terrorists,” and that if the terrorists were smart, “they’d get a platoon of lesbians to chase us out of Baghdad.”


LOL. Ok, that is admittedly the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while. It does put things in perspective tho, a bit. I mean, seriously. You’d think that a nation striving to protect/invade/whatever every other country in the world would be glad to have ANYONE join in the fight. *rolls eyes*

That being said, should they start drafting the lgtb community, you can bet that this dyke’s headed to Canada ASAP….

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February 9, 2007

But they might be so overcome with lust that they’re distracted and cause the death of the world! I mean, really…!

February 9, 2007

omg that is great! can i hitch a ride to Canada? randomly saw you on the front page,

February 9, 2007

also saw you on the front page(you must have been there a while)how about a bunch of pms’ing lesbians…now there is a force to be reckoned with.

Hahaha. That *is* funny. Caught me off guard too. I’m always surprised when politicians or intentionally funny.

February 10, 2007

ryn: a-f*cking*men. *~