pictures plus tmi, graphic, etc

Ok, some pics first (they’re not tmi or graphic. Unless you hate bugs and/or jellybeans)

i know, this one’s huge. but. but. you can see the sky reflected in the ant’s thorax. And…and you can see HAIRS on the ANT.

for some reason, the fish tank water is foaming. Odd.
Anyways. The TMI stuff is down further
you’ve been warned.
so, randomly? I got my period last week. The most normal one I’ve had in…years. But the cramps? omfg.

my uterus is trying to escape thru my abdomen with dull spoons and rusty sporks.

I was sitting in class today trying really hard to breathe thru the internal warfare of my girlparts and the tears were about ready to fall and the teacher was like “whoa, are you ok??” and I bit my inner cheek and nodded, trying to smile and pretend I was just concentrating really hard on…the 3rd grade level essay about scarecrows I was reading. She was like “You’re *really* pale, are you sure you’re ok?”


I should be getting ready to go to yoga right now, but the thought of moving that much doesn’t sound like a good idea.

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Love the pics. The contrast in colors is so striking. Sorry about the “mega” period. Sounds like a heating pad, Midol/Advil, chocolate, a good movie, and a snugly blanket are in order. =)

RYN: Totally agreed on that one.

I’ve started getting worse cramps than usual, too. I was climbing a 100-foot fire tower last time The Period struck, and I was never more grateful for the safety harness I had to wear while climbing; I was struck with some cramps so foul that I actually let go of the ladder.

omg. I get cramps like that nearly every month. Seriously. TMI–whatever. 🙂 I *have* to take 3 ibuprofen right away & dose myself through at least 2 and sometimes 3 days. I hate that. Yoga sometimes isn’t a great idea when you’re menstruating anyway… depending on what you do for poses in class I guess… but a lot of poses are contraindicated (right word? I think so) during menses.

MaryPoppins gives good advice. heating pad, advil, chocolate a movie & a snuggly blanket. That’s the only thing for cramps like that. “srsly” 😀 And (((hugs))) I know it’s not helpful if you don’t cycle regularly but I also use for that reason. J laughs at me but I *LIKE* getting an email that says, “Yoo hoo. You can look forward to your visitor in 5 days.” 🙂 I can then rework

my schedule… if I CAN. Or prepare (with advil 🙂 if I can’t. It also reminds me that I’ll be flippin’ exhausted for the following 5 days. Pfft… 😉 Oh. And the ANTS. OMG. & echo, really I *hate* ants. This picture though? It totally rocks. The color/contrast w/ the red & the black/brown of the ants is awesome. Great capture!

May 16, 2007

Sounds like I need to send you some emergency truffles STAT. hope you feel better.

May 16, 2007

heh heh…rusty sporks. aww. poor thing. xox *~

I loooove macro shots!!! But when I saw where the TMI was going, I had to skip it. =o/

May 16, 2007

Omg… like everyone at my work got their period at the same time and it was exactly like that. hahah the cooks called it “spring cleaning” I’m so sorry to hear that you are going through that much pain, but you are not alone.

May 17, 2007

Great pics….so sorry about your cramps…I get bad ones too…and every month, I look up and ask God…”why?”…lol…I’m 49 years old for God’s sake…WHY am I still getting my period? But then, the alternative bites..I’m not ready for menopause, you know? So…I’ll be happy with the fact that I still have hormones functioning and I’m in good health and all that. *hugs*

May 17, 2007

Great ants. ryn: Congratulations on getting a good digital camera. Now get to work on a faster Internet connection, eh?

May 17, 2007

.. To answer your question, I bought a Sony H5 a year ago and it can do some amazing things, e.g. 12x zoom, but it annoys the snot out of me because it takes a long time to focus on an image and can only take about one picture every three seconds. So I refer to it as Sony Baloney. To heighten my chagrine, they came out with new H versions this year. I tried an H7 in a store the other day and it made a clear picture of a moving person when it was on 12x zoom and did it all in about .2 seconds. I feel like I got the beta version that was still in development.