pics. **edit**

From the BB Fair….

KKK sheep!!
Ok, people keep asking about the sheep. Apparently I’m more of a country girl than I thought? At least comparatively. So, they shave and wash the sheep- not sure if it’s before or after the judging. But then they put the klan attire on them to keep them warm and maybe a bit cleaner. Some of the goats had on outfits too, but they were more lycra-typed superhero spandex outfits. 🙂

goat! Goats have creepy eyes, imho.

mmmm, mullets

The LGTB dance party AJ and I went to last week….


a very odd place for a lgtb party. But whatever…the rainbow flags and decos went well alongside the NRA posters and mounted animal heads…(of which there were MANY)

The fall festival in town (in my front yard.)….

RB and his…tiara? (foreshadow much?)

Enjoying the fireworks

Fire truck ride, before the rain!

DB enjoying the ferris wheel

RB, apparently enjoying himself on the Swanky Slide! (and no, he didn’t realize I was taking pictures til he got off, that’s totally unposed, lol!)

DB’s friend, DB, & RB


I decorated my door for AJ, cuz she loves halloween. Tho the stars shall remain there for a long while. (This years’ ski ball prizes from the BB Fair)

Building legos

I’ll help!

Bleurgh. I gotta go, or I’ll be late for work. meh.

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so um.. why do the sheep have that thing on? -bc, city girl

October 7, 2006

love the pics. what is that on the sheep??? 😀

I *love* these pics… (((hugs)))