
Spent the weekend with M and the kids. Went to Ikea and such. Got M a bed and put it together. Go girls, rawr! heh. And then stayed over and took the kids bowling yesterday. Good times.
Some pics:

They say there’s light at the end of the tunnel. heh.

My first apartment in the mirror.

A flower, even after the snows and frosts.

DB, using her body motion.

RB, hoping it hops back out of the gutter.

Step one: read the instructions. And realize that the instructions don’t include words, just pictures of little plump naked looking guys with varying facial expressions.

At the beginning, with the blessed allen wrenches.

🙂 DB being helpful

M laughing like crazy after realizing what she was doing/saying….(She was laying on her back under the frame and I was trying to get a screw started and it finally took and she was like “yes. yes. yes! yes! yes!” It was late, our minds were enjoying the gutter.)

M trying not to pee herself *grin*

The finished product!! Finally. No men involved! We were proud of ourselves.

Resting after the hard labour!!!

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M has a very friendly face. =o) But now I want to go bowling.

November 13, 2006

ohhhhh how sweet, loved the pictures. especially the one in the mirror, how creative!!

oh, that’s wonderful! When I finally get around to buying a new bed, you two (and the kids) are coming to MY house to help me put it together. Mel sent me over her to look at pictures after requesting a NaNo (I think) nudge. I love that tunnel picture.