pg 123, 5th sentence

Grabbed from WOMH:

1) Grab the nearest book.

2) Open the book to page 123.

3) Find the fifth sentence.

4) Post the text of the next four sentences on your blog along with these instructions.

5) Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book in your closet. Just pick up the whatever is closest.

6) Tag five people.

(Ok, I just happen to be reading a slightly intellectual book at the moment!) (and wow, he writes LONG sentences.)

The boys could hardly wait to begin their duties.
Though all but the oldest of them were still too young to dream of the responsibilities they would assume when they reached the fourth kafo, they knew that some day, as men of fifteen to nineteen rains, they would be appointed to the important job of carrying messages – like the young man who had brought them word of the moro’s visit – between Juffure and other villages. It would have been hard for Kunta’s kafo to imagine such a thing, but those old enough to be messengers longed for nothing more than to stop being messengers; when they reached the fifth kafo at twenty rains, they would graduate to really important work – assisting the village elders as emissaries and negotiators in all dealings with other villages. Men of Omoro’s age – over thirty – rose gradually in rank and responsibility with each passing rain until they themselves acquired the honored status of elders. Kunta had often proudly watched Omoro sitting on the edges of the Council of Elders, and looked forward to the day when his father would enter the inner circle of those who would inherit the mantle of office from such revered leaders as the kintango when they were called to Allah.

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October 7, 2006

Random Noter: Thought I would post my sentence here. Pretty cool idea. * “I only wish I knew what happened to her,and where she was buried, if she was buried at all.” Excerpt from “I, Vampire” by Michael Romkey.

Random noter: Holy monkey… We have the same OD name… (sorta) Kudos! Note from another

Are you reading.. Roots? Not being facetious, just wondering. -bc