peekture paiges

lah lah lah. The psych center called again. Not to ask me to work this time tho. They were looking for something that they thought *I* misplaced. *rolls eyes* Of course, it was RIGHT where I said it was in the note that I had written. silly nickel eaters.

Here’s some pics of my bearded dragon (and kitty). I need to get some pics of Alix cuz she’s grown a lot. She’s such a cute little froggie!!!

Poor Mobius STILL isn’t in his new home. Thankfully he’s pretty content in his old one, I assume. Hard to tell with turtles!

And I gave Rocky a bath today. Wow. I filled the tub up with a few inches of water and put him in. Snakes are pretty frikkin awesome when they swim. Kind of scary tho! He moved SOOOO quick.

Anyways. Just had a lovely dinner with Emily and Marcus. Corn on the cob, sauteed veggies (I just ate the squash and cucumbers not the peppers. Who knew that you could sautee cucumbers!!! They were delicious tho) and salad. *grin* A dinner of vegetables. But no soy! 🙂 I was sad to come home, but I am exhausted and need to sleep tonite so I can get up early and do all the shite that needs to be done before I leave for H’s house. Wee.

So, this is little Satan (I didn’t name her and feel guilty about renaming her!) It was thunderstorming today and I don’t think she liked it, cuz she was bouncing all around the cage and I’ve never seen her move that much since I got her!!!

Taking a little bath….

Poor Journey!!! My little shaved cat. She doesn’t look horrible tho. And heck, she’s prolly a little cooler at least. Hopefully she’ll never get tangled that much again!!!

Another view.

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June 10, 2005

Damn lol your day was much better than mine. I love the animals. Reptiles have always been a big favorite of mine. Ive had three snakes myself.

Journey looks cute with her little butt shaved…. at least you did’nt have to totally make her bald! My friend had to do that to her cat, and he looked kinda silly for awhile! LOL!

I always enjoy photos of your pets, but I’ve lost track now, how many do you have? I can’t imagine what it would be like trying to catch a snake in the bathtub. Actually, I can. I’d be scared of hurting him while trying to catch him when it was done.

…you’ve given your “family” all such very COOL names. Seriously.

RYN: Thank you for sharing all of your little ones with me. =o) I’ve always loved turtles (probably has something to do with all the Gamera films I watched when I was little… Ok, ok, and adult.) I’ve probably mentioned it before, but frogs make me a bit nervous. =o/

Here you are, still writing on OD! And silly me not having you bookmarked. I was wondering how you were. 🙂