pause for station identification

I’ve not written in quite a while, I know this. I can’t even use the excuse that life is too busy or whatnot, cuz really, it’s not. Plenty of times I log in and think I should write, but I don’. I’m not sure why. And then I feel guilty cuz my subscription wasn’t even paid for by me, so it’s like I’m wasting someone ELSE’S money. And yet, even that doesn’t guilt me in to writing more.


I dl Firefox the other day. It seems a bit slower than IE, but it’s probably not. I like having the google thing right in the task bar, since Google is my primary “need to know go here” source. Apparently Firefox has a built in spellchecker, I’m noticing, cuz as I type this there are words being underlined in red, and I don’t recall that being a feature of OD. Interesting.

Yoga is still amazing. I almost didn’t go last week, but then I did, so it’s been 5 sessions now, I think? I really enjoy it, and I don’t feel quite as much like a lazy arse cuz it *is* exercise. Or at least strengthening and toning. heh. I prefer to NOT think of it as exercise :p Still wishing I could do Monday and Wednesdays, but not this month. Maybe next month.

Finally made an appt to get my tattoo–thanks to M, who gave me a gift certificate to the place 🙂 🙂 🙂 (I was originally going to use the money she had given me a few months ago from babysitting, but I ended up spending it. On…gas and food and frivilous things like that. heh.) She’s too good to me! 🙂 I’m excited. Thursday, wOoT.

AJ’s been in LA the last few days, tho we had a nice, long talk the other nite. She’s thinking about going back to school and such and we talked about moving and different aspects of the field she wants to maybe get in to. Fun fun!

Went to a poetry reading last week, which was amazing. Russian-born poet who became partially deaf at the age of 4. To hear him read was simply amazing. Very difficult, at times, to understand him due to the russian accent and the deaf accent. But he reads with such force that it was just enough to sit and *hear* him. Yum. Check him out at

Therapy last week was…eh. I kinda broke and just…bleh. *sigh*

Speaking of therapy!! I watched Sybil this week. (yay Netflix!!) Holy cripes, what a movie. And now I have the music from it stuck in my head, which is somewhat creepy. I should read the book. Maybe after I finish the Lemony Snicket series, of which I’m on book 12 of 13! Finally!! Somehow I fear that the ending will be anticlimatic tho. (Of Lemony Snicket, not of Sybil, heh)

I’m definitely loving Netflix. Part of me can’t justify the $9 a month, but then I justify it because now, instead of always crawling in to bed when I get home from work or all weekend, I sit in the living room and watch movies. And a lot of the time I’ll scrapbook or do other things as I watch, too. So I’m being semi-productive. Or at least, less sloth-like.

Last week I also watched Season 1 of Scrubs. I really, really like Zach Braff. And it’s interesting how similar the tv show is to parts of Garden State Also funny that at one point, one of the songs from Garden State is played in an ep of Scrubs.

And I’m managing to keep up with Season 3 of Gray’s Anatomy thanks, again, to M, cuz she DVR’s it for me every week and then I eventually get over to her house to watch it. It’s getting better, I think, as it goes along. Less “who’s sleeping with who” drama, and more character-driven. Of course, there’s still the many romantic plot twists going on, but at least for now the whole Meridith/McDreamy thing is not the focus. It was gettin’ kinda old.

This weekend tho, actually, I’ve been watching Stargate SG-1 that H leant me months ago and I never got around to watching. Richard Dean Anderson 🙂 I’m a fan. And I think it’s hilarious that in the pilot ep, they used the term “Macyverism” hehe.

Yesterday I went to M’s and helped her take down the X-Mas tree and watched RB for a bit while she went grocery shopping for E, who recently had yet another surgery on his leg. And then came home and fixed my clogged toilet with the pipe stuff M got for me. And today I stayed in bed til 2 or so, then got up and cleaned a bit.

And now, I’m gonna go back to watching SG-1 and maybe keep cleaning a tad, tho mostly I’m out of energy.

And– sweet!! Mrs M from skewl just called and told me there’s a 2 hr delay tomorrow, cuz it’s so cold. Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!

Log in to write a note
February 4, 2007

miss you. what’s the tat going to be of? xoxo *~

February 4, 2007

2 hour delay = woo hoo!

So write already. Quit being so selfish!! =oP We all have times when we don’t feel like writing. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure whoever gifted you understands that. Besides, you’ll write more when you’re ready and have something to say. =o) *hugs*

RYN: You’re welcome. Anytime. =o)

February 6, 2007

Yay Grey’s Anatomy! Have fun with the tat…pics coming when it heals, yes?