Passing Bricks

Uuuuugh. So, I didn’t get to bed til prolly 230 this morning. And when I woke, at noon, my body felt like it hadn’t moved a single muscle all nite long. eef. Considering that I had forgotten that I didn’t sleep the nite before until I started feeling that “so tired I feel ill” feeling around 2am, of course….It’s really no wonder I passed out so hard.

It started snowing like crazy last nite. There was pretty much nothing when I went in for the dance concert, and an hour and a half later, there was 1 or 2 inches, it seemed. Everything was covered. It was a wonderful walk home. mmmm, I love the snow. When I’m not driving in it. heh. It’s still snowing, but not a whole lot. It’s pretty much done, according to the weather report. So much for the 7 inches we were to get? I don’t know, maybe there was that much but if so, the roads look pretty cleared off to me. I think. lol. I didn’t look too close when I looked out the window this morning. Mostly I was thinking “I need to put plastic over these…” cuz the wind just blows in the cracks as if there’s not even a window *there* oi vey….

So, yeah. They’ve definately already posted reading assignments for next semester in nsg! oi vey. But. It is a ROUGH semester…immunology first. And then right on to endocrine, which is rumoured to be the most difficult. lah. Then neurological, then psychiatric. So. It’s good that we can get a jump start over break.

I did pass my exam- it was only out of 40. I got 34/40 which equals 85% ONE silly point away from a B! Not that it truly matters. Lah. Although, the way the grades are weighted, I can still only miss 10, maximum, on the final, to pass the class. (Well, 11 if they’re feeling generous and rounding UP instead of just rounding off. Sooo. So. heh.) Well. The worst I’ve done this semester is miss 9 (out of 30), and that was an exam with ALL Deb material. But the Final has everyone’s stuff. (Goodness, I can’t even remember who all taught this semester?? Did Cindy? hmm. No. Just Joyce and Deb.) And both have given a “study guide” although Deb’s generally aren’t that helpful. (she tries. She’s just new to the teaching thing, I’m pretty sure)

Anyways. Need to get going with my day….

To Do:
– plastic the windows
– email allies w/ reminders, etc
– redo Officers stuff on iportal
– card for lori
– send stuff to T
– wrap aj’s xmas gifts
– call work, re: schedule
– write final paper for Relaxation Skills
– rewrite social psych notes
– make cheat sheet for soc psy exam
– find gloves
– pay rent!
– freecycle stuff
– fix hamper (that cat keeps knocking over, grrr)
– dishes
– books, etc back on shelves
– clean kitchen
– empty trash
– clean cat pan
– shower
– water plants
– gas in car
– work sat nite
– pick up paycheck from skewl
– organize allies stuff for emma
– clean out car
– oil/get oil leak fixed
– engine coolant

I think that that’s all, for now. I actually managed to call in and remember to pick up my meds yesterday, so that’s good since today was my last of them. eep.


best get started.

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