on the road. again. ? ***edit*****

lah. just home from AJ’s a few hours ago. TIRED. Went to H’s on…Worked xmas nite. Then went to H’s on Tuesday. Went from her house to AJ’s yeseterday. Home from there today. Work tonite, ugh. Back to AJ’s maybe tomorrow but I dunno. I’m so tired, I can’t bear the thought of getting back in the car. Not to mention the weather is getting yicky, or it was on my way home tonite. *sigh* But neither of us work til Wednesday. But she’s ill, and being around my cats with a sinus infection prolly wouldn’t do her much good. *sigh* Plus she had/has a sore throat so we couldn’t even really talk much which. I need to. I need to figure out what the fuck is going to happen in my life, which involves her, so. blah whatever.

pics of Z

Was going thru old entries from a year ago. Ironies abound.

*shakes head*
wow. just when i think i can deal, it turns out, i can’t.


I. don’t understand my family. my mum is just. UGH. my sister just txt’d me saying “I now have a cat”….

mum was gonna take her cat to the pound.

This cat. Is like, 3lbs. Is kept in the basement all day. Not allowed in any of the bedrooms when it’s allowed upstairs (under mum’s supervision…) and just. UGH. I’m glad it’s found a new home. but it makes me sad.

if my mum weren’t so…i dunno. just. Type A….instead of the cat being a companion, it’s like, a pain in the ass to her. And it’s not even a bad cat.
it’s just a shame.
H’s hubby is gonna kill her. eheh. lah.

gotta get ready for work. eheh. like. 15 mins ago. oops.

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Poor cat. I’m glad it’s got somewhere to go now. Happy New Year.

January 1, 2006