
I would write about the last 2 days but. I had better not.

Let’s just sum it up with the fact that my mum is VERY impatient, has very little tolerance for anyone who doesn’t do what she says when she says it, and canNOT stand being dependent on others.

So. Put all that with a woman trapped in a hospital bed and a floor full of nurses?

‘nuf said.

Got her home today. That was a trip and a half. But it went ok. She seems much more relaxed now that she’s back in her own environment, so that’s good too.

I’m exhausted and want to sleep, but can’t cuz I won’t hear her if she calls me for something. (The house is a wind tunnel, fans on every corner….)

Do need to go fold some laundry.

So exhausted. My *eyes* ache.
ok, so while looking for this juice stuff for my mum to take, in her medicine closet, I find…and I am NOT exaggerating….compazine prescribed to one of my brothers…..in 1981. *shakes head* my mum, the packrat. Also in the container that that bottle of pills was in was syrup of ipacac, clove oil, essence of pepperment, polaris (this little…sewn satchels of *something* that you put in water and then put between your tooth and gum, a bottle of dried up cream that I used to have to use cuz I always broke out with the WORST rash in the summer anywhere where skin touched skin, like behind my knees, my armpits, thighs…it was horrendous. They never did figure out what it was from either, as far as I know. It was painful!

All of these thing were in containers (mostly glass bottles) that look like they’re from at least the 80s. Eheh. Keep in mind, mum HAS moved like, 5 times since 1981. And she goes thru things before she moves and after, too.

Just like I found a tub of butter in the fridge with an expiration date of March 2001…..

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Your mom sounds like my dad. Sorry. I know that can be pretty stressful. I’d offer an eye massage, but that’d probably sound creepy.

Wow, and I thought I was bad. I think my record for expired stuff in the back of my fridge is only two years. 😀 ryn: From last October, I think. So I was probably 10 pounds lighter then. But I’m currently sporting the same hairstyle minus the long sideburns, so it’s a pretty accurate representation. 🙂

(and I thought *I* was a packrat! 🙂 I feel much, much better about my ‘rat tendencies now! fshew! 😉

ryn: I want to be an Axel Foley. “You’re not going to fall for the banana in the tailpipe? It should be more natural, brother. It should flow out, like this – ‘Look, man, I ain’t fallin’ for no banana in my tailpipe!’ See, that’s more natural for us. You been hanging out with this dude too long.”