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Oh… honey–it’s $3.49/gallon here & predicted to go higher yet (some places in the U.P. are seeing $3.77/gallon!) Eeep!!

oohh.. i’m stealing that pic. where’d you get it from? -bc

my sis works at a gas station and will love this pic. She’s getting so annoyed w/ all the questions people are asking her about why gas costs so much. Because she makes up the prices and all, you know…

*sigh* i cant see the pic babe.

September 2, 2005

It’s $3.49 in the next town over.

September 2, 2005

i love my car. if it goes to 10$ a gallon i’ll still do road trips. but, it is certainly a wake-up call to the nation to search for alternatives

September 3, 2005

3 something a gallon here too!