oh my good lord.

Ok, no school today cuz of the cold. And already a 2 hr delay for tomorrow. Ugh. Good, but not good, cuz it means I’m not getting paid. Especially since my boy’s going on vacation for a week on the 6th. I looked in to getting unemployment for the week, not sure how it’s gonna work out. We shall see. I have to go back thru my paystubs to see how many weeks I’ve worked from Sept 05 to Oct 06. Heh. Which would be easy had I been employed in a steady job, however I was flex, so. Who even knows. Lah.

So, for the last 2 hours I’ve been picking crickets out of Kleio’s cage. Not full grown food crickets, oh no. No, these are tiny barely-visible little bouncy creatures of amazing speed. But if I leave them in the tank, they could possibly injure my dragon and I don’t want that of course. So. After several unsuccessful methods, I finally settled on using a stiff piece of paper which I tried to slide under the crickets and then swoop them in to the box. Only took two hours to get…mmm, about 45 of them. I think I got almost all of them. And any that I didn’t get will hopefully not bother Kleio too horribly. Mostly they end up dead in the water dish anyways. heh. lah. Wish I could take a picture of the little buggers but my camera is 1. not that good and 2. out of batteries.

Watched a lot of Stargate SG- 1. Also watched Word Wars which is a documentary about the Scrabble Championship. hehehe. Echo=geek. And now I’m watching Return to Me with David Duchovny. Woot. I feel itchy all over. heh.

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Stay warm!

February 6, 2007

Watching Word Wars makes you a geek??