
Ok, so, the place I interviewed at forever ago finally called me today and offered me a job. Which would be like, yayayayayay, right? But no. It has to be more complicated than that. They only have a part time position open right now. It’s overnight (11-7) which would also be fine and not conflict with my current job too much. But wait, there’s more. There’s an 80 hour training that is involved, which is NOT at night, rather from 8-4 for two weeks prior to my start date.

So here’s the dilemma. Do I quit my current job altogether and just get by on part time? (Even if I only got 3 days a week at the new place, it equals what I make full time right now, cuz I’d be paid twice as much an hour…) Do I try and see if Chandyland (where I work now) will be reasonable with me and give me off a few days to take the training? (I think we’re actually on break one of the weeks that the training would be, so that might not be as big of a deal as I’m afraid it will be) Do I go in saying "look, I need these days off, if I can’t have them, I respectfully tender my resignation?"

Fuuuuuuuuuck! I’m so bad at this. I KNEW what I was gonna do if they offered me a full time position. That would be NO problem. I’d already hashed that out in writing. But this is a different game.

I’m thinking what might happen is this…I will resign from Chandyland, go part time at Mays, and then pick up a few days at either the FH, which my friends own, or at my other friends’ shop. Yes. Maybe that’s the best idea.

Also. The training? It’s paid. At my rate (15/hr)….that’s 80hrs….that’s a lot of money, lol.

Gah. I’m so bad at decisions.

I am going to go running.

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There is no “but no”. This is complicated but its still yayyayyay. <3

February 14, 2013

It sounds like you need a plan more than a decision. If you had a few plans to choose from, the decision might be obvious.