NYC pt 2: The Underground.

Ok, so. One of my odd quirks? I love the subway. I mean. Love the subway. I’d be perfectly content just riding the subway for hours and hours on end. I dunno why. I just love the clack of the train on the tracks and the occasional blue flashes of light out the darkened windows. The way it’s mostly quiet, even when it’s totally crowded, due to Subway Etiquette. (Tho shallt not speak, nor look at anyone!)Even when they’re totally crowded, I oddly don’t feel as claustrophobic as I do in, say, an elevator or theatre or something. Weird. (heh. I *do* still feel slightly claustrophobic, but I don’t get as panic-feeling. I guess cuz I’m too busy enjoying myself :op )

Not only do I love riding the subway, but I also love the stations- the intricate tile-work in some of them, the crazy conglomeration of people, the odd silence when no one else but you is standing waiting for a train. The rats scurrying under the tracks. 🙂

It’s funny, cuz G thought the city was a dirty one. But I was thinking quite the opposite- it’s SO much cleaner than it was the first time I visited (granted, that was 11 or 12 years ago, so.) It’s certainly not as clean as other places, I’m sure. But it’s improved a whole lot in the past decade! At least, I think so.

So. AJ and I, tho tired and exhausted, decided to go out where we both got pretty not-sober. hehe. A very flamboyant man told me I should get my hair layered. And that I needed to use more product. But NOT “Frizz-ease” cuz it’s bad for….something? Clogs the septic system or something. Well. Needless to say, I was rather drunk on the way home. But thankfully we got back with no bad problems. We did, however, meet a few interesting people who were also travelling at 4am….

Lovely man. Homeless, I think. He said he was on his way to a detox or a rehab. (at 4am…?) He was singing and quoting various song lyrics, none of which I knew, but AJ was doing pretty well. I’m not sure why I took his picture. I think I had my camera out and he asked me to?? He was definately not completely in touch with reality. But, I didn’t feel like we were in any danger. (of course I was three sheets to the wind….) BUT. There was a MTA (transit authority) worker standing a little further up the line, keeping his eye on us, so that was good too. Plus, what were we gonna do? It was the line we needed to catch in order to get back home!

Later we met….Lolita, for lack of a better name.

(AJ took this picture. LOL. All I can think of is “baby, I hate to see you leave but I love to watch you go!” *grin*) Tho, she wasn’t gorgeous or anything. But the outfit was….lovely. Perhaps she had just come from a show? heh. But that’s not the most interesting bit. Somehow, we asked for a picture with her and her….friends. Who were german. It took me *forever* to figure out what the hell their accents were, tho it was so obvious. Oi, alcohol. So. They both had tattoos up one side and down the other. And piercings. So, we asked for a picture and the guy was like “Put your finger thru my ear!!!” uhm….You can see by my face what my reaction to that was….

heheh. Like I said, I love the subway.

By the way, if you drop something on the tracks, don’t pick it up, ‘k??

Still more: Meeting G, Central Park, Times Square!!

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May 20, 2006

Lovely. I always thought of the subway as another city in itself. I’m afraid of them though because my parents knew a man who died when he fell onto the tracks.

I liked the subway too…