NYC 3: Times Square, Central Park

Well, after our adventures on the Subway, we made it home, tho other than the pictures, the details are fuzzy. Heh. Yes, Pangalactic Gargle Blasters do have much the same effect as the book (HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) describe them to have. Oi vey. Or p’raps it was the three shots (on the house) that did it??? Definately had a bit of a hangover upon waking. So we went back to bed, lol.

Met up with G and had brunch in an interesting little…dunno what to call it. Sandwhiches, eggs, bagels, everything. Pretty cheap too!! I was pleased. I thought it was pretty tasty. (Egg on a roll. It’s just…an egg. On a roll…in a muffin thing? hehe. Apparently not a common vittle in Malaysia) Somehow all of my pictures of G are on AJ’s camera! Eeesh. It had been almost four years to the day since we last saw one another. Stupid oceans. heh. Anyways. We had some food and then went to Times Square so AJ and I could get some TKTS tix for a show. (After a quick call to M, we decided on Altar Boyz which was FABULOUS. AND we got 2 tix for like. $70 or something. Sixth row!!! It was just….amazing!)

Mostly we just wandered around Times Square. But we did go in a few shops. Virgin Records, of course. And Toys R Us….

Then we went to Central Park- the weather had cleared up beautifully. We sat on a big outcropping of rock for a while. G sent me some pics she took, and I did get a few of my own….

Here are the ones G got, thankfully!!

(the sun was in my eyes, ok!!)

yaaay!!! Me and G!!!!!!!!

group photo 🙂

Unfortunately, G and her bro had to leave to meet up with their parents. The plan was to meet up with G later, after the show. But that was, unfortunately, nixed. Else, I would’ve gotten a ton more pictures. 🙁 BUT. A few hours was WAY better than none at all! It was so good to see her. And, it makes me really, really, really happy that she got to meet AJ and vice versa. It’s important, to me, that the important people in my life meet each other. So, yay!

But after we parted ways, AJ and I went on to see more of Central Park before we had to get back to the apt to change for the show. Our goal was the Alice in Wonderland statue, which I loved the first time I saw it. And when AJ had last seen it, it was being worked on, so she didn’t really get to see it. But it was open this time and we got to see it! (tho I don’t remember it being where it was, which is odd. lol. Oh well.)

But, I took about a million and one pics of it, so they get their own entry!

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This pictures look similar as in Downtown Toronto. I would LOVE to go to New York City someday! 🙂

May 20, 2006


May 20, 2006

I love NYC =) Mamma Mia was the shit.. I loved it

May 20, 2006

those are awesome! i really like the first one on the rock. i don’t care if the sun was in your eyes. it’s just so sweet.

that toys r us pic is a leetle creepy… 😉