notes n things

You’d be a great candidate for parenthood with idiotic statements suggesting that a boy’s chest isn’t “a private part of his body”.

If you are unwilling to be a part of the solution, please stop being part of the problem.

Well, this time I didn’t strip the name from the note or make it private. This person didn’t feel confident enough to *leave* a name. So…what’s the point in that, really? It’s like leaving a post it note on someone’s door saying “You should take my advice!” without leaving a name or even a hint as to what that advice IS.

How can I be stop being part of the problem when I don’t have ANY clue as to what the random noter is referring to? And, please, WHAT is the solution???? I’d LOVE to help!

And as for my idiotic statement that a boy’s chest ISN’T a private part of his body…well, I’ve done the “Safe Touch” workshop about 18 zillion times. The ones where you go in to a school and teach the kids about safe touch and unsafe touch. And every material we have has two little kids in swimsuits. The little girl has a two piece on, and the boy has swim shorts on. And the message we give is “the places the bathing suit covers are places where it’s NOT ok to let others touch you…”

Unless they’ve seriously revamped the program, none of the little boy models were wearing halter tops or t-shirts. Indicating that a boys chest region is NOT a “private part”.

Just a note: if you’re gonna criticize me, be passionate enough or serious enough about your convictions to LEAVE YOUR NAME!!!!! Otherwise, your words hold little to no weight, except as fodder for me to make fun of.

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May 7, 2007

I don’t think saying a boy’s chest isn’t private the way a girl’s chest is is idiotic. I think you’re right.

People without good strength of character leave unsigned notes. If you can spout your opinions, then sign your note! I agree!

It’s pretty chickenshit not to leave a name. Though, you could always set your diary to accept only signed notes.

hmmm… this thread of conversation also reminded me of the little girl (who H so desperately wants to be “friends” with but I’ve managed to dodge this so far :/ ) …she bounced up to talk to H at O’s b-ball game on Saturday. She was wearing a “Life Begins at Hooters” t-shirt over her bikini & carrying a purse & proclaimed, “I’m just taking a break from tanning, how are you?” She’s 8.

…now, seriously. MY question is–what MOM would LET her 8 year old daughter–no matter the “cute” owl design & the “it’s all implied” stuff behind the name–wear a HOOTERS shirt for heaven’s sake?? I’m no prude, really. But. C’mon!!

*cackles and leaves unsigned note spouting pointless and stupid advice* hehehe. seriously, i don’t think they’ve revamped the program. you’re right. *doesn’t even get into personal opinions about the idiocy of declaring a WOMAN’s chest “private”*

May 8, 2007

RYN: Explanations made! I just wrote a quick entry to explain the time warp. I need coffee! I need chocolate!! I need half a brain!